fatal decision


New member
hi guys, i know i havve not spent much time here lately and do not deserve your ears and i am posting this and if some of you wanna take the time to listen i greatly appreciate it. this is a tribute song i wrote for a old band mate of mine that moved away. the song is called fatal decision and before hand im sorry about the long intro even though alot have said it is cool. anyway enjoy and thanks alot. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/flash2acemusic.htm the flash
damnit.. what all happens in the beginning of the song?? Anyway, that is much too long; 1;20 of just screams and stuff, I thought the song would never come.

The mix sounds good, balanced, just with the good old blanket over it again. Loads of lows, some mids, no highs, not very pleasant to listen to. And there's panned way too much stuff on the right.

Great drum/ guitarwork here.
Was that 1:27 of Michael Jacksons "Thriller" video at the beginning of the tune?:D

The music and playing is great but the recording just kills the whole thing.It would help a LOT to put up a file that has a Bitrate of at least 128kbits.The one you have posted(even the mp3 version) has a bitate of 56kbits.Thats LO FI by any standards.

The playing is good though like I said.
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too funny (intro)

Some cool guitar playing.
Kind of distant sounded and the bass and drums were sort of mumfy. It needs a little more upper range bite in the mix to me. Nice sparse arrangements.