fast track pro


New member
hey. just noticed fast track pro needs 500 MHz min to run which is a lot less compared with models lower and higher. my question is, is there a reason for this?
i don't have a big CPU so im looking for interface which can run on limited resources.
hey. just noticed fast track pro needs 500 MHz min to run which is a lot less compared with models lower and higher. my question is, is there a reason for this?i don't have a big CPU so im looking for interface which can run on limited resources.

I would guess that MAudio has determined that for this interface to work properly it needs a PC running a Pentium 3 – 500 MHz (higher speed CPU may be necessary for laptops). That is some ancient architecture by yesterday’s standards.
maybe im making some obvious mistake but if you look at something like the m audio fast track that needs 2.00Ghz but you would think that would need less than the fast track pro.
i probably am over looking something.
i only a 2.13 GHz processor so would i be better off with the fast track pro or am i screwed either way.
I use the FTP on a PIII with a 1.2G processor and 1G of PC133 RAM. I did it just to see if it could be done with an old laptop I was tossing in the trash. It seems fine. I like the Pro best because it has inserts, and using the 'loop' saves precious CPU. With no plug ins, I have had 20 tracks going, and no crashes. Knock wood. Actually, I lied. It will crash if I try fancy 'stuff' like fade in, or pitch shift. If I just record basic instruments (and all my effects are 'live'), I have had 20 tracks, as I say. I've mixed them down, and emailed the 'song' no problems.