fast track pro drivers


Nova Police
So, I'm gonna head out and finally splurge on this guy. But i've been reading on some forums and it seems people have bad things to say about the drivers.

I read on here that there is a different driver on the net to d/l for free that will work with the fast track pro - Does that mean I shouldn't install any discs that come with it?

I believe I've already installed the "Asio4all" driver to get my alesis multimix to work with cubase, but I don't know how to find out for sure.

Mainly, is there anything I should know before trying to set this guy up with cubase?
Too funny.
It tells you right on the disc, not to install those drivers but instead to go to the M-Audio Drivers Update site. The link is on the disc.
M-Audio are absolute stand ups when it comes to keeping their drivers up-to-date.
Just follow the instructions and do not plug the Fast Track Pro in until you have the drivers installed.
In fact, if you want, go here and install them right now. :)
thanks for the quick reply =)

These drivers won't interfere with any "Asio4all" drivers that I might have installed, will they?
Not at all but do keep in mind that proprietary drivers are preferred.
That is to say that each device will work best when using the driver that was specifically designed for them.
Fast Track Pro gets Fast Track Pro drivers
Echo Mona gets Echo Mona Drivers
"Can't seem to find the right driver" gets Asio 4 All.... and so on. :)
Only reason I ask is because of this review taken from

"This thing CAN sound AMAZING-- but it probably won't, unless you are very careful. Make sure you have the latest drivers. Don't even BOTHER with the MME ("wave") or WDM drivers; it's ASIO or nothing, because M-Audio's MME/WDM drivers are so bad, I was completely convinced this thing had both a noise gate and a lousy ADC, when it turned out to be driver issues.

The pre-amp doesn't have as much gain as you might hope, but if you've got it cranked and you can barely get anything out of an SM-57, something is WRONG with your install. Try using ASIO. I had absolutely horrible results with Adobe Audition 1.0, but the 2.0 demo, using ASIO, a few reboots, and some tweaking, finally sounds perfect.

That said, the headphone output on this thing is awesome. Oh, rock on.

I hope I can get this thing working properly, because the only real competition is about three times the price.

NOTE: This device has PARTIAL support available for Linux/ALSA, with more on the way. That is independent support, mind you-- NOT M-Audio drivers.

I will revise/replace this review as I see better results; this is already better than my last one. "

Kinda confused about this, but I'd defnitely trust you guys here. Maybe I misunderstood this review?
Well... no.
I can't help you with that because it is so poorly written that I can't seem to find the name of the device that this individual is reviewing.
Nor can I understand what point he she, it is trying to make. :drunk:
hehe, I had trouble to -

But it was a review for the fast track pro.

Regardless, I'm still going to buy it - tomorrow though, stuff ran a little late.

Just want to make sure I get the proper drivers to make it work to its best ability.
Yeah that review was a little strange. whoever wrote it was a little confused. MME and WDM are Windows drivers and have nothing to do with M-Audio. The Fast Track Pro Drivers by M-Audio are the ASIO drivers.
I think there was a good deal of user error contributing to the user problems in that review.
That and some foreign substances inhaled or ingested.
Either way... The Fast Track Pro Preamps are not the best. About 60dB.
Shure dynamic mics such as the SM 57 & SM 58 would require around 70 - 80 dB of clean gain to perform at their best.
But you will still get decent results.
That's just the way it is at your price range.

There's an Edirol interface at the same price with better preamps and less features. The Edirol UA25EX USB 2.0
A nice piece of gear.
I'd go with either.

Take your time, read the reviews.
That mics such as the SM 57 & SM 58 would require around 70 - 80 dB of clean gain to perform at their best.

80db of gain...what are you trying to get butterfly farts to clip your converters :eek:. I'm just messin with you
I used a Fast Track Pro with am SM 57 when I was getting started on vocals and accoustic guitars and was able to get a perfectly usable signal (assuming you are aiming for sensible levels ie line level = -18dBFS RMS with peaks around -8 to -6dBFS) The preamps are nothing amazing but they are adequate for the task.
Thanks for that, BP.
I'm going by my experience with dynamic ribbon mics (which is where my heart's at) and presumed that the Shure dynamics would have similar requirements.
I'll remember that now for future reference.