Fancy Footwork?


New member
Is there a software/hardware package that allows you to control playback and record start/stop/rewind etc by a footswitch? I find it a pain to have to:

- click record
- get my hands on the guitar,
- play,
- screw up because I didn't get my hands ready in time
- reach for the mouse
- click stop
- repeat ad infinitum.

I use the Omni Studio with the delta 66 and omni break-out box, but I would think the software would have to handle this and come with a USB footswitch or some such nonsense. I have been looking at software and am drooling over Cubase SX, but I don't think it has anything like this. Am I dreaming?
Thanks a lot, James! I appreciate the help. I'll cjeck it out and let you all know if I can make it work. :) Thanks!
Do what I do and sit close to the machine.

I'm buying a remote one of these days, but it's only a real stretch to the farthest keyboard. It's about 10 feet from the machine.

Something I made up for mixing sessions is a five foot piece of 1/2" plywood cut to 1' wide. I taped a piece of thin foam rubber over the end so as not to damage or scratch my machine. That is my temporary remote when I mix so I'm not jumping up and down every 2:48.

I don't think it would work for a computer keyboard/mouse remote.
In CW9.0 I just use loop record. I set it to record to a seperate track each time around, If I miss it.. no big deal, it will come around again. I think this is a little more relaxed to.

I bet your software has something similer...


make me believe I am the only guy here who uses his Toe to punch in "record".....