

New member
Hi people,

here's a song in progress I'd like some help with. This is a local collaboration ... the first for a long time with someone who *doesn't* live on the other side of the globe !

I sing and do some percussion, my friend has done all the guitars. It's a "loop based" song but I'm happy with the arrangement so far.

What I want to know is....
.... any glaring errors so far ?
... what style/sound of drums to add ... how much ?
... bass sound suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

I think that this song is very good. there is a georgeous live feel to it. In my opinion it has a cool raw sound as it is and I would save this version as an acoustic cover. very cool dres. just wanted to drop in and say Hola.

the tone of the acoustic and the consistency in the playing was superb. The other guitar seemed to need a little meat on it in eq. singing was on the mark and articulated well. Just a thought..., I hear that 2nd verse open up with some kickin brass and a full compliment of percussion.
'enjoyed it man :)
good to see you 'round.
Re: hey

Erland said:
I think that this song is very good. there is a georgeous live feel to it. In my opinion it has a cool raw sound as it is and I would save this version as an acoustic cover. very cool dres. just wanted to drop in and say Hola.


Wow .. the legendary Erland visits my thread ! ;)

I guess this raw sound is in a similar style to some of your songs I've heard. It's funny you say it sounds live cause it's made of little 2 bar loops pasted about like a patchwork quilt in Cubase. I just got my friend to jam away and picked out the best loopable bits... the order you hear all the bits in is nothing like the order he played them in ... I think he found it a bit disconcerting. Thanks for listening.
Toki987 said:
the tone of the acoustic and the consistency in the playing was superb. The other guitar seemed to need a little meat on it in eq. singing was on the mark and articulated well. Just a thought..., I hear that 2nd verse open up with some kickin brass and a full compliment of percussion.
'enjoyed it man :)
good to see you 'round.

Hi Toki987, good to hear from ya
the consistency of the playing is a fraud ... as pointed out in my reply to erland.. all the bits that sound the same *are* the same. It's actually a very quick way to track ... mixing and arranging the bits takes longer though. I've tried this before but without so much success. The key to keeping the feel was to loose the metronome as quickly as possible and use the first guitar track as a rythm guide.

Other guitar... meat ? which one exactly (times ?)

Brass ?? well I'd never have thought of that but you could be right... Are you reading this Lt Bob ? :)

Thanks for listening... greatly appreciated.
Cool tune!
Nice live feel to it.

Sounds like you guys had some fun!:D
Looking foward to the next take!



Good tune nice recording. I like the guitars.
Fun song. You don't quite hit the high note...I don't think it's out of your range though. Sounds like a good one for a bit more're very close. It's at 1:53 I think its "oh my God"?

I would say the vocals could be sung a whole lot closer to the mic but that's the sound I personally like.

Good lead, nice balance.

I won't say the song is screaming for bass and dru....oh wait, almost slipped.

I dig the end.
muzeman said:
Cool tune!
Nice live feel to it.

Sounds like you guys had some fun!:D
Looking foward to the next take!


Hey Pete .. glad you caught this one. It's funny how such an edited piece can sound live... there's no way humanly possible we could play it live !! It was fun though. Kudos go to Pete (not muzeman) who played the guitar for this .. he a great guitarist.
jake-owa said:

Good tune nice recording. I like the guitars.
Fun song. You don't quite hit the high note...I don't think it's out of your range though. Sounds like a good one for a bit more're very close. It's at 1:53 I think its "oh my God"?

I would say the vocals could be sung a whole lot closer to the mic but that's the sound I personally like.

Yup I was thinking the same thing about those high notes when I sang it ... and it's "Your my God" not "oh my God" LOL...(what a painful note !! :D)

I was only about 15 cms from the mic but I spose I could try it closer.

Thanks for the encouragement
dres said:
Yup I was thinking the same thing about those high notes when I sang it ... and it's "Your my God" not "oh my God" LOL...(what a painful note !! :D)

I was only about 15 cms from the mic but I spose I could try it closer.

Thanks for the encouragement
Hmmm, interesting. Then it may be the effect eq...too much high mids in the reverb?

You can hit that note, you're just thinking too hard about it.
Someday Ill put something together with bits and pieces of patchwork that works as seamless as this does. I HOPE!!

I liked this better or at least as much as anything I recall hearing you do before, you can be proud of this puppy. Excellent choices made in mixing it down.

BTW youve got the best PRAISE SONGS on nowhere!!!
I really enjoy them!!! Your going to give bryan duncan some competition!

Last edited:
wfaraoni said:
Someday Ill put something together with bits and pieces of patchwork that works as seamless as this does. I HOPE!!

I liked this better or at least as much as anything I recall hearing you do before, you can be proud of this puppy. Excellent choices made in mixing it down.

BTW youve got the best PRAISE SONGS on nowhere!!!
I really enjoy them!!! Your going to give bryan duncan some competition!


Thanks Bill. I'm a big fan of Bryan ! What a complement. If your familiar with "Audio Adrenalin" you'll notice the style in this one is loosely modelled on their sound ... Pete and I are big fans of their stuff.

If you have a DAW you should try this method of recording ... we found it pritty easy. Only about 20% of the parts we play to the metronome were seemlessly loopable... so we get about 3 bars in 16 that are usable. Still it doesn't take long to whip up a menu of half a dozen loop segments .. then it's just cut and paste heaven.

Thanks for the encouragement brother !
dres, I posted my first recording venture last year of a Christian Inspired song I wrote some years ago. I used cakewalk Sonar and created some loops out of them much like you mentioned with the DAW. Boy it was tough to get the loops to seam together without a sharp change at the loop point but I did get something together. Im not much on vox and I was just getting started with adding percussion so theres a lot to be desired. But I feel its a well written song because of the words.
Its about someone who has hopes and dreams of finding That right one to be yoked in marriage with.
If you get a chance check it out at nowhereradio. Its called "Moonbeams" and I have the lyrics up there too.(because some folks couldnt make out the words)

here is the link

Let me know what you think.
My recording skills have improved some over the last year but I havent had time to redo it. mostly Ive been working on getting a better sound as far as guitar tone and percussion as well as overall mix stuff. Hopefully Ill get around to it before Im too old to play anymore.


Hey Maybe youve got someone who can help with the vox If you like it.

wfaraoni said:

Hey Maybe youve got someone who can help with the vox If you like it.

I'm all for collaboration. I had a listen to your song ... to be honest there's lots to critique but your voice did sound in time and in tune (from what I could hear).

If you want to try a harmony on this song just work with the mp3 I've posted and then post your own version with vocal added. I promise I'll let you know if I don't like it ;)

go your hardest.
I like the live feel too. What am hearing in the tune in my head? Do you care?

Well, assuming you do, I'll share.

At :34 and 1:38 when the left acoustic pattern comes in, it would be nicely opposed by some other percussion. I am hearing a little of a Paul Simon thing happening. Some funky djembe vibe would be cool, imho. Tamborine too?

Other than that, not much to add.

Nicely done.
chrisjorge said:

At :34 and 1:38 when the left acoustic pattern comes in, it would be nicely opposed by some other percussion. I am hearing a little of a Paul Simon thing happening. Some funky djembe vibe would be cool, imho. Tamborine too?

I think I know what you mean. Good suggestion. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
