Fadeout? I didnt want one...


New member
I recently switched from ProTools LE to Sonar 7, and so far I love it.
However I'm having a few problems getting used to the program.

My current issue:
I copied a piece of audio from a track and tried to paste it earlier in the song (on the same track) The pasted version comes with a diagonal fadeout. I don't want it there, and I cant seem to get it off. I even unchecked 'Read Automation'' and it still fades out. Whats going on?

any help is appreciated
I'm using Sonar 5 so, things may be different in 7, I don't think this stuff has changed though.

Does the original also have the fade?
If so, you can uncheck the automation boxes when the copy dialog comes up, pasting only the "events'.

are there any envelopes on the track?
I assume you know what envelopes are (if not, use manual to learn), if none are visible, right click on audio in the track-> Envelopes-> look for show envelopes.

Is it only the one track that fades?
If not, check the master for envelopes.

Last that I can think of is Views->event list, this stores your automation, working from a currently saved project (so you don't lose any previous changes), delete any suspicious events. if someting goes wrong, don't save the project.
Ihave the same thing on version 3. I just work around it (even to the point where I delete the track and add one, or just restart sonar). IT is a bitch though, and i look quite ridiculous when i have musicians over... To the reply-er; it is not an envelope or at least, it shows up as a clip specific enevlope, but it is not editable...
it shows up as a clip specific enevlope, but it is not editable...

Is it a little curve at the end of the clip?
I forgot about that one, if you see a curved line, move the mouse pointer around rhe top part of it until a little triangle appears, then you can drag the triangle to the end.

To create one you probably dragged that while trying to shorten the clip, it's easy to do!
nope. When i copy a part of a clip, paste it somewhere else, it shows a linear fade out (never fade in btw). Not editable, nor assigned. strange, but as I said, relatively simple work around.