FA: ART Tube Preamp

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Can this be used as a Di box for live on stage applications?


ive got one of these lying about....you can get quite a bit of clean gain out of it...completely quiet which, considering the reputation of their cheaper units, was a nice surprise
And this can be used on stage as a Di .....KC?


if you can plug it in for power you can use it :confused:

has phantom and a fet limiter that works pretty well, & metal case...Ive used it on guitar and vocals with no problems..I just have two omni preamps and two line 6 interfaces for anything at home or on the road or Id still use it

besides all my sales come with a money back guarantee and a 23 hour warranty :D
sorry stratman I just saw you relisted, wasnt trying to poach anyone...

sorry guys, good luck with the sale :)
For anyone wanting to know what happened, I had a prospective buyer from this forum who wanted the preamp so I pulled the listing before finalizing the deal then he backed out which is why it has been reslisted. Sorry for any confusion. And yes it can be used a direct box and used with microphones or instruments.
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