Ezdrummer into AA1.5


New member
I can't get Ezdrummer to load into AA1.5 every time I go to the edit view to refresh it's show on the VST that it's a unsupported VST I have all my other VST instruments . EZdrummer web claims it's a VST instrument can anybody help. I wanted to use AA1.5 as my VST host for Ezdrummer thanks
I can't get Ezdrummer to load into AA1.5 every time I go to the edit view to refresh it's show on the VST that it's a unsupported VST I have all my other VST instruments . EZdrummer web claims it's a VST instrument can anybody help. I wanted to use AA1.5 as my VST host for Ezdrummer thanks

No VST-I support in AA 1.5, sorry.
