EZ drummer in Sonor 4


New member
I installed a demo of Ez drummer to use in Sonor 4 as a plug in . It installed fine however
It wont come up as a plug in ?? cant find it anywhere ? whats wrong ? hmmm
will it come up as a Midi or Audio plug in ?
Apparently There Is A Vst Setup That I Never Ran . Now It Works . It Searchs For Vst Plug Ins , It Came Up On My Windows Programs Window Under My Cakewalk Shortcut . Works Great Now ! And Love The Ez Drummer !
I love it ! I have it up and running and its very easy and very realistic . Its great to be able to produce MY songs or demos for my band and not have to set up drums to record .
I previously used session drummer and ez absolutly blows it away ! Im sure ill be using it quite a bit .
If you haven't figured it out already, turn the EZ Drummer "Room Mic" WAY down and EZ Dummer will sound tighter and fit better into most mixes.

I don't know why the default is so high - I guess because it makes the drums sound bigger when they're on their own. But try turning it down and see if you don't love it even more.
I want to try this.

I should try and get it. is there any *shudders* free versions of EZ floating around out there ?

right now im making all my drum tracks in fruity loops and exporting the wav to cakewalk.

It sounds lame.... and well it is! But its all i got. I find it time consuming and it sucks.
I installed a demo of Ez drummer

AFAIK there are no "demos" of EZDrummer. I just looked at their site. My apologies in advance if I am wrong, but did you confuse demo with "crack"?

I should try and get it. is there any *shudders* free versions of EZ floating around out there ?

Geez Louise.:rolleyes: You could do what I did and actually BUY the software.