External Sequencer....switched to PC


New member
Hi....has anyone here recorded with an external sequencer and then changed tact to record with a computer? If so, can you relate your experiences and tell me what advantages/disadvantages have you found? Is it quicker, more efficient, access to more sounds etc? I'd like to know what's ahead of me if I decide to go PC......also....what PC recording/sequencing program have you found that's quick to learn , easy to use and gives good results.......
TO me it depends on your preference but i use to use a computer along time ago but I kept having to deal wit slowness on my computer, freezes, ect.. SO i stuck wit a Track recorder for recording and when im making music i use my Akai MPC2000 as my sequencer. I mean either way is ok but if you are goin to go PC just make sure your computer is up to par for audio recording. Check da link below on more information dealing with having a DAW.
