External Hard Drive up to £100

Check out Amazon.com Type in "external hard drive" in the search box. Take your pick. I'm not being a smart ass, but just about any of the major brands will do the trick. I was in Walmarts the other day and couldn't believe how cheap they are! You can get 3TB drives for cheap as hell! I obviously need to get out of my house more often! LOL!
I've looked on amazon and i know its recommended to have a rpm of 7200 but often it doesnt state the rpm on there.
Just make sure you order a 7200 RPM or faster drive. Most external drives meant for data backup will be 5400 RPM. Be wary of 'cheap'. The speed is likely why.
I think most of them are 7200 nowadays . Amazon does give that info. You just have to scroll around to find it.
so i was checking another forum about External hard drives and someone put "Don't know if the rpm is relevant as such as it's a USB 3.0" is this correct? I'm wanting record and mix and save the files onto the external hard drive.
Hmm. I have had one backup drive in constant daily use for 3 years. It's backup for 5. Both system drives in my recording PC (in RAID1) for over two years. Backup your backups, and forget about worrying. :)
if i were to get a back up external hard drive that was purely for back up purposes and not recording and streaming audio from it, would it be ok to get one with a 5400 rpm?
Yep. But keep in mind, you might just want to use that as your main recording drive, if in case your other fails. Would save you from moving the files over. What is it, like $20 cheaper?

That is why I use all the exact same drives in external cases, or within my PC. Just keeping things consistent. Windows machines have enough issues with multiple manufacturer components. I just stay consistent with what works.
Not used for anything but storage and libraries, but I purchased a Western Digital 1 TB USB 3.0 drive for about $89.00 [Canadian], 64.50 Euros about 2 years ago now.

Being USB 3.0, I'll bet it's plenty fast enough for what you want.

I have it divided into 3 partitions for different tasks, but I actually use SSDs for my programs & DAW recordings.

I think it's called Western Digital Book Essential or something like that. But it hasn't failed me yet.

I keep anything musical, VST, & DAW related on one partition solely as storage and archives.

I use another just for back ups.

They may be even cheaper now.
I am not sure if the OP wants to use an external drive to record to (as you would a second internal drive) or merely as a backup/saving device?

If the former I would think a usb3.0 drive would be best. If the latter?.........

In the last 2 years I have had two usb drives fail. One was definately bumped, not sure about 'tother. In contrast in 7+years and 5 computers I have had but one internal drive fail.

We now therefore have a NAS drive secreted in another room and safe from accidents. 2TB and about £100. The other advantage is that I can access it with any computer on the (copper) network. If I were 'puter smart enough I could even access it on the infernalnet!

...In the last 2 years I have had two usb drives fail. One was definately bumped, not sure about 'tother. In contrast in 7+years and 5 computers I have had but one internal drive fail.

We now therefore have a NAS drive secreted in another room and safe from accidents. 2TB and about £100. The other advantage is that I can access it with any computer on the (copper) network. If I were 'puter smart enough I could even access it on the infernalnet!


Come to think of it, I've never had a hard drive fail either. This would be my 4th computer.

It's too early to say if the USB drive will fail, as I've only had it 2 years or so.

But it seems that it's basically hit & miss these days, as the quality control of many products has drastically decreased or is even non-existent.