external hard drive for backup/tracking


New member
i have a WD mybook or whatever 250gig drive that is bursting at the seams with pirated movies, my time machine backup, and logic files.

i need a new drive (prob 1TB) that is durable, trust-worthy, and reasonably priced. (<$200ish)

any suggestions?
I second the western digital rock solid comment. I put cubase, podfarm, all vsti's, and every audio track that I create on my western digital 1tb and it not only keeps my computer running great, it keeps everything, EVERYTHING, that I have, portable. You can't put a price on that.
Do you guys record to the exteral or to an internal and then transfer to audio files to the external. I need to upgrade my old PC and I don't know if I should buy a fast second internal drive for recording or a very fast exteral. I want to record directly to the drive.
record directly to the external.

I've got a WD Elements 1tb that I use for audio sample libraries and video editing.
Its quiet and very fast; you wont go wrong.

Now if you're willing to spend a bit more, look at the Glyph drives.
They can come with usb2, firewire AND esata interfaces AND they will do data recovery if anything goes wrong during the warranty period (ever price data recovery??? THOUSAND$)
