External Hard Drive and Logic Problems


New member
hey everyone, i'm having some issues with my External HD and Logic. When i record to my external, i get the spinning beachball thing, and then Logic will Freeze quite a bit. When i record straight onto my computer, i have no issues.
I have a 2010 Macbook Pro 4 GB RAM, 320 GB hard drive.
and a Western Digital Mybook essential 1 TB external.
are there some settings in Logic i may have missed? or my external? thanks everyone!
Your external drive transfer speed probably isn't fast enough. What type of connection does your drive use? If it is USB 2.0 or lower it may not be fast enough. You can solve this problem by storing projects you are working on on your internal drive and moving projects you are done with to your external drive.
USB's CPU overhead is considerable, so I could see stuttering or other glitches, but beachballing and hangs? That makes me wonder if something else is up.

Is this drive plugged directly into the machine, or is there a hub involved? Is it spinning down on its own, or is it always spun up?