Exporting/ EQ change???

bean 123

New member
hello! I looked thru all the posts but couldn't find one applicable.
When I export any mix out of SX, upon playback it sounds very muffled, like a really BAD eq job...it sound perfect in SX but once it is exported sounds like #@!&.
Shoot, it looks like we lost all but the first page when Dragon brought us over to the new server.

It has been asked before, I can't remember what all the suggestions were, but one that stuck out was to make sure that when you export you have the box checked for "include all effects and automation" (or something to that effect).

People might remember some of the other suggestions...
Come on guys! Does anyone remember the suggestions that we pooled together the last time this came up? I thought we ended up solving the guys problem...

Sorry bean...my memory is not kicking in on this one.
hmm....I also notice that I do not have the ability to change track color...I got this "from a friend"...could it be missing some software? EVERYTHING else seems fine...thanks BASS!!
To access the color track area, you may have to adjust your screen resolution. You can't have it on the lowest resolution, go into your control panel and make the resolution higher and you will see a lot of the screen that was missing before, including the color track area.