

New member
I have been lurking on this site for years and I have given some feedback once in a while. This is my first time posting my own stuff (my new bands stuff).

This is an older mix. The new mix has the lead at the end a little less in your face. Yes this song has lyrics and I am in the middle of tracking those now but wanted feedback on what I have bounced so far.

I would appreciate any feedback.
I really like the style. The acoustic at the beginning seems to trip a little at times. Your drums sound pretty good. Snare is maybe a touch too up front and your toms could use a little work.

really a cool tune so far man. Good luck with vocals!

Thanks for the reply.

The intro guitar fits the vocal cadence and that will make more sense once the vocals are down.

I have remixed the drums a bit an taken the snare down. What didn't you like about the toms?

I really appreciate the feedback and the vocals are coming along nicly.
My suggestions:

Put some new strings on that acoustic and re-record the parts stereo. use stereo where the acoustic is featured [with fresh n' jangly strings] , and cut to a mono...either/or, or a mono mix of the streo tracks....when the acoustic is blended. [if it's a $250 Fender...invest in or borrow a decent instrument to do tracks with. All of the acoustic work is dead-sounding.]

Kill the room sound on the drums....or mask/expand it with some ambience similar to that on the other instruments. The mental image I get listening is a guy sitting at his kit playing along with a CD.

There seems to be a mish-mash of reverbs...like the instruments were recorded with their own, varying reverbs in the 1st gen tracks.

What the recording lacks is dynamics. Either a lot of the instruments were compressed or the playing is too careful. The whole lacks guts and drama. It tends toward milquetoastee stuff they play in nursing homes and bathrooms. Whack that snare, some!!!!

It's a decent tune...but a hard-to-enjoy listen.
Interesting reply, and I appreciate it. I don't know about $250 fenders but it was played on a $4,500 Koa Taylor with internal pickups, a Neuman tube condencer at the sound hole and a SM57 at the 12th fret. Strings might be a bit dead, we will re straing and shoot it again.

As far as nursing home music, I think that's pretty harsh. The song is not done (or the 20 others we are recording).

I looked up and listened to some of your songs as well as some of your critiques here. I hear that you are really into acoustics which may be you niche and I will have to work on. You set the bar pretty high for someone who loves his drum machines ;)