Everly Bros. - Dream


New member
This is my rendition of the classic Everly Bros. tune from the 60's. Comments are welcome and appreciated.

Drums and bass provided by Zoom mrs-8
Guitar by me and my 25 year old Martin
Organ by me and my 25 year old Casiotone
Vocals by me...much older than 25 years

All takes and mixing done on Zoom mrs-8. Some reverb added and mp3 compression done in Goldwave.

My only real nit is the weird panning of the drums and vocals. It's a bit distracting.
Feels good to hear a cover of this. Some nice vocal work. I wanted to smash that drum though! But, good effort on a great old song.
My only real nit is the weird panning of the drums and vocals. It's a bit distracting.

Funny you should say that. I tried a "stereo" take on the lead vocal using an old Nakamichi electret condenser, along with the zoom mrs-8's built in mic, and with the difference in sensitivity, input levels, etc., it didn't come out that good. Is the proper way to use one mic in mono, panned center? Or maybe use one mic in mono panned hard left, then do another take with same mic on different track panned hard right? I'm just a beginner and have a lot to learn! :o For the drums, I didn't pan anything...that I know of. Thanks for the input, though.
Funny you should say that. I tried a "stereo" take on the lead vocal using an old Nakamichi electret condenser, along with the zoom mrs-8's built in mic, and with the difference in sensitivity, input levels, etc., it didn't come out that good. Is the proper way to use one mic in mono, panned center? Or maybe use one mic in mono panned hard left, then do another take with same mic on different track panned hard right? I'm just a beginner and have a lot to learn! :o For the drums, I didn't pan anything...that I know of. Thanks for the input, though.
Record your vocal in mono, pan it dead center. If you want to double it, that is usually done by recording the vocal a second time, getting the performance as close to original as possible, then bring it up under the main vocal (meaning less volume level). Most recordings you hear, all vocals are up the center. There are always exceptions, but you have to learn the rules to know how to break them and get away with it.

What I didn't tell you last post was that I thought it was a very nice cover, sang and performed well...
I've always thought about doing this song. Definitely gets played a lot when I'm just strummin mindlessly on the guit. It's a great song and I enjoyed listening to your cover of it.

I agree with Rokket's suggestions on panning. Lead vocals in the center. Then fill in with harmonies on either side. i also wouldn't hard pan the guitar all the way to the left. If you do, maybe counter-balance that with another guitar take on the far right.

Now that's what I'm talking about! As a beginner, I have no idea (well maybe some) about panning and what goes where. Thanks for the feedback guys. This kind of info is why I'm here. ;) Oh, and thanks for the compliments. If accused of being a guitarist, I'd have to plead guilty. However, if accused of being a vocalist, I'm as innocent as they come. Well, maybe not as innocent as some. I've seen some tone deaf people that couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. I can carry a tune, but Mr. Microphone tells no lies, and I know what my limitations are. :o