Evans hydralic heads

I had a drummer in who swore by them. Worst tom sound I've ever heard. I had to steal clips of my toms and replace his with mine to get a decent sound. Hydralics just kill the toms way to much.
see i like the dead tom sound right now I have Evans G2s with a heavy rubber muffle ring on them and I prefer that sound, but to each his own. As for the Catalina Birch I just ordered it friday as well, I hope you did'nt go to Musicians Friend if so I might have got the last one because it said discontinued after I ordered mine. I have not played them yet but on a wing and a prayer I hope they rock Ill find out Wendesday.
I'm interested to see what you think of the hydraulics. I have Yamaha Recording Customs, so the sound you get with your Gretch's might be able to give me a little insight. However, I'm thinking it's going to be too dead.

I think you & I have the same tastes in tom sound, though. I'm playing in a heavy rock band, so I prefer a punchier tom sound that still has a good tone. Evans G2 clears on both the top AND bottom of my toms (8/10/12/14/16) did wonders. Great attack, good long sustain (controllable with your choice of muffling if you desire), and the tone is deep and full.

I've read about the Catalina Birch and alot of people have said that they can't be tuned real low because of the way the bearing edges are. So they'd have to be tuned fairly tight so I'm hoping the hydraulic heads will kind of retain the integrity of lower tuned toms although they are tuned somewhat tight. (if that makes any sense). I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out.

on which hydraulic you get... the clear and black are more like remo's pinstripe. it's the blue ones that are absolutely dead.
Think of the 1970's *THUD* sound!!

The thing with hydraulics is that if you're going to use them, it just doesn't matter what kit or wood you put them on. You could put them on steel shelled drums and they would come out sounding the same. If you tune them higher, they'll ring a little more.

I'm not putting down that sound! Just remember when you deaden the sustain with that kind of head, it defeats the ability of the shell to "speak".
Would it really be that bad? When I think of the "1970's drum sound", I always think of heads that are tightened just to the point that the lugs don't rattle.......and a wash cloth taped in a fashion to cover half the head....:D

On a more serious note......i'm really curious about these now. Maybe I should compare by changing one of my heads tomorrow? Which tom (8/10/12/14/16) and which color hydraulic head? I'll just buy one, so I don't have to waste the money on a whole set, and I'd be happy to post the results here!

p.s. sorry if this is portrayed as a hijack.....i'm actually hoping this will help jignod out with his decision!
ive played on them and like one guy said they dont matter wat set you put them on they sound them same so its a plus for bad kits but if you got a nice one its not worth it and its also made for people who cant tune but i liked them when i played on em
i have played with both the clear hydraulics and the black hydraulics, i didn't really like either of them. the clear one's were alright, seeing as they arent as dead as blacks, but the black one's were horrible, i couldnt stand the sound. i vote you should go with some remo pinstripes :-)
Remo Pinstripes are the worst tuning heads I've ever used and their longevity is zilch. At least in my experiance.
Kind of beating a dead horse but most people on here are right, I am on my second set of clear hydrolic heads and I enjoy them but they are really dead. For me they work great because I have a crappy drum set (Argent) and they sound good to me but it's all personal prefrence.
jignod said:
help me out and do your ten incher with a blue hydro head. :p

Did you just ask him to pull out his big ten inch...

record of the band that played the blues?

(Sorry! Bad Aerosmith lyric reference.)
:D :D :D