Eugenes trick bag

st james

New member
Wehn I bought the 788, I knew it would slow things to 50% for practice.
Got to do a version of Eugenes trick bag for demo purposes to a load of wanna be 15 year olds(who probably know it better than me) I also bought the Tascam CD/W burner last week.
So...........I know this sounds pathetic but how do I load CD version onto 788 and slow down for practice purposes??
Know Eugene quite well just want to polish a bit will use Sevie Vai.
Problem is when I get in from work at christ knows when, last thing I can do is start downloading ......but weekend here!!!!!!
Presume just plug scuzi in and monitor??
Sorry to sound such a DIV but have been so used to reel to reel that the quickest way is to ask you masters out there.
Would also like to do the same with Nuno Bettencourts 'Bumble bee' know he speeded his up so fair to speed down I think!!!!
Also good bit to play for the ego!!!!!!
Many many thanks again
Chris (bleeding fingers).
Hi St James, again... Well Im not to sure about this, but I tried to load a song from my CDR onto a track on the 788 and its no go... You can use the CDR for play back like a normal CD player but I don't think you can play along at the same time.
What I did before I had the CDR was to upload songs to my computer, then send an audio signal from there to the 788 and record that... seems to work ok and you can make up a "practise tape" in this fashion.. I then use the mark locators (name of song & what track its on) to easily find what I want to play along with.
Hope this helps
I use a stand-a-lone cd recorder for mixdown, so if I need a to put something in my 788 from a cd, I just reverse the process. works fine. I normally do this as stereo tracks.