Ethernet Recording Interface?

You pretty much would if you want to have more than one device attached to that port, which was my point. I mean at 100 Mbit and lower, you could get by with a "every device knows when to speak" protocol and a hub instead of a switch, but I don't think Gigabit non-switched hubs exist.

My point was that using Ethernet as a medium doesn't automatically mean using switches and/or hubs, unless of course as you mention you want to interconnect more than two devices in the network.

However, check the specks on the Waves APA32 and APA44-M which state that you can use up to 8 of these devices on a swiched Ethernet network, where the minimum spec is 100Mbps BTW. According to Waves, you can even "share" the devices with more than one computer on the network.
But I know what you're saying and that would seem like a better idea. Put everything on stage, ITB processing complete with DSP fx, a controller at the FOH and connect..(edit)
OK... Same vein; back to the real issue of the OP - d.bop wants to mix in "Room A" and have the computer (and maybe an audio interface) in "Room B." He wants the two connected over Ethernet. With something like the Euphonix, etc., can't he already do this? He's just not passing audio between the two rooms via ethernet - he's passing the instruction commands from the Control Surface, and that tells the interface & software how to manipulate the audio.

I suppose there's the issue of monitoring... That would require at least one set of audio cables from the interface to the mix room. :confused:
OK... Same vein; back to the real issue of the OP - d.bop wants to mix in "Room A" and have the computer (and maybe an audio interface) in "Room B." He wants the two connected over Ethernet. With something like the Euphonix, etc., can't he already do this? He's just not passing audio between the two rooms via ethernet - he's passing the instruction commands from the Control Surface, and that tells the interface & software how to manipulate the audio.

I suppose there's the issue of monitoring... That would require at least one set of audio cables from the interface to the mix room. :confused:

Ooh sorry, I wasn't suggesting that the Mackie unit would be a possible solution for the op, but rather looking at current examples of piping audio over an ethernet cable. I think he is in speculation mode and I was offering something similar to show that it probably could be done.

Sorry for the confusion. But I gotta say, a complete ITB stage system would be very cool. I know, off-topic. :o
Yeah, I was with ya. :D

It had just struck me that, despite us all taking the long way around, the OP does have options of utilizing Ethernet to remotely control software and/or interfaces. Perhaps not in the exact form he was after, but options nonetheless.

Of course, simply building or purchasing a vented, iso-box for the computer would cost less... :D