ESI ESP1010 vs Delta 66


New member
I have a m-audio Delta 66, It serve me well these 2 yrs, but I think I need to record 8 tracks I have 2 idea.

(1) sell my delta 66 and get a ESI ESP1010, I can get one brand new for $250, it have a PCI card and a rack mount break put box, 8 in 8 out 2 micpre and midi, seems a very good deal....anyone have experience on them? how are they compare with M-audio deltas (sound quality, A/D converters)

(2) keep my delta 66 and buy 1 more delta 44

which choice is better?
here is a link for the ESI:

sell the 66 and get the 1010 (not the lt) the convertors are better and on the breakout box, not the pci card so it's less open ti electrical noise from inside your computer
Thanks Lemontree,

The delta 1010 is $425, its a little bit out of my budget.
I search a lot of recording forum, and cant find a review for the esp1010....
and a lot of web shop only have M-audio cards, but no ESI.......
is ESI really that bad??
Don'tknow much about those ESI cards.

You've alos got the option of a 1010LT. Only $200 and it will slot right in beside the 66 and give you 12 inputs