err . . Decisions!


New member
I have been "trying out" the Marshall JCM2000 TSL100 head. It has the sound that I am looking for but the 100 watts is a little much. I want to be able to POUND the EL34's without drowning the rest of the band out! Marshall has a TSL60 head that is 60 watts. I haven't been able to find any music stores (locally) that has one in stock to listen to. I know that there are some differences such as EQs on each channel, but I am concerned with the tone. I like the TSL100's tone boosting switches. It really gave the lead channel "meat."

Has anybody played through the TSL60 head? Any Comparisons - same sound as the TSL100 or different?


nope, just cuts down the sound reaching the speaker cabinet. I've used one in the past and really enjoyed the outcome.
The powerbrake will work with any amp with a speaker out and outputs to a speaker cab. I imagine it would work with solid state, although it was designed for tubes.
