Ernie Ball VP Junior 25K Active vs VP Jr Passive Volume Pedal

The volume pedal that I love the best is an Ernie Ball that is originally designed for operating stereo amps-it has a switch that moves sideways with the side of your foot and will pan the effect and volume from one source to the other. You can disable the panning with simply tightening a screw.

Another great feature is that you can preset a rhythm volume-with a pot on the pedal-and use the full volume for solos. I've looked for another Ernie Ball with these features for years, but they apparently discontinued this model-I've had it for probably 20 years and the string is still doing fine.:D
You mean if the volume pedal is "up?" Then no, because your guitar isn't silent.

I think maybe the separate tuner output is confusing you. Here's how it works--when you step on the pedal to turn your guitar all the way down, the tuner output is bypassed--in other words, your guitar signal goes to the tuner output (and thus your tuner) but not the main output. So your rig is quiet, but your tuner is getting signal. Now you can tune (visually, of course) while no one can hear your guitar.

Thanks WhiteStrat. Now that, I can finally understand.:D
