Equipment list


New member

Forgive the dumb question, but I am new to this.
For audiobook production, I am using the following setup and was hoping that you folks could let me know if I have left something out in a "...but where is your xxxxx" kind of way.

I have a room that is isolated enough from outside noise, and inside it is acoustically treated as best as a newbie can do it, I suppose.

Equipment-wise I am running a 27" iMac with Logic Express and Adobe Audition, with Izotope RX 2.
Microphone is a Rode NT1A but I have a Neumann TLM 103 on the way.
The mic goes through an Apogee Duet 2, and I monitor using Sennheiser HD280 Pro headphones or M-Audio BX5 speakers.

Suggestions on anything else I might need?

Thanking you in advance.
A way to turn pages with out them being heard is always a major production.
Be sure and learn proper microphone technique.
I have a pop filter :)

"Be sure and learn proper microphone technique."

Mouth-clicks are a pain for me. Just seems to be my natural sound!
Processing gets rid of most of it and the I tweak the rest.
I set the mic input for 44 on the Duet 2 and am about 6 - 8 inches from the mic.
Any lower on the Duet 2 and I have to really push the levels up in Audition once the recording is done.

Does that sound right or should the inputs be lower?
To start. I feel that you should be closer to the microphone ..... but that's just me.

Just experiment until you like what you have.
Bobbsy had some good advice on removing the sibilance from this recording, but I will attach the link here again as it may give you a better impression of how close I am to the mic.

Thank you all again for your advice.