
just a little confused

i'm looking for one to use on samples and sound, something like a 31 band eq or so i thought....am i able to use things like this?
Go here:
www.mercenary.com or here:


and look at the Speck ASC EQs.

You don't say what your purpose is, but I'll hazard a guess, since this is HomeRECORDING, and let you know that 31 band graphic equalizers are almost never used for recording, if there's a parametric available.

ahhhhh thanx for that

i dont really know what i should be looking at but it would be used for sweetning tracks and fixing up samples
(i'm a hip-hoper) so can u tell me
Yeah, you want a parametric, not a graphic eq.

Here's a few other models to look into as well (in no particular order):

Focusrite Red 2

TL Audio 5013

Avalon 2055 (around $2,000 if you are very, very lucky)

Avalon VT737sp (if you only need one channel):

Obviously, some of those you may have to find used to make your $2,000 price point. If you want to sweeten tracks you need a sweet eq, and that costs money!
One channel or two?

For a grand US or under your choices so far are the Speck ASC or TLA 5013 for two channel units.
I would strongly suggest saving a bit more money and getting the best eq you can. Mediocre eq's are virtually worthless and don't do much more than the eq on the board.

Think of it this way, unless you absolutely must have it now for some project and cannot, under any circumstances live without it, there is no reason why you should not wait a bit, save some more, and go for the best. Get the GML 8200. You will have it for life, it will retain most of its value and your ears will thank you.

Really, truly, save save save and then buy the best. For eq, this is the only sane thing to do.
Speck with or w/o transformer (w/o $500 w/$545) single channel

or the Toft ATC(also has compressor and pre amp)($1000 2 channels of eq)

i have a speck and none of my plug-ins can match its 'musicality' IMO...the plug-ins are more surgical though..and i got the UAD cambridge, waves linear broadband, sonalksis, etc
Re: Re: oops

Fletcher said:
The Toft ATC-2.

It comes with a couple of decent compressors and mediocre mic amps bundled with them... but the equalizers, IMNTLBFHO, are absolutely wonderful.

you like them more then the speck?
I would like them differently than a Speck... the Speck's mid bands are variable "Q"... sometimes I want a variable "Q" on the mid bands... sometimes I don't. Sometimes the tone and texture of the Speck is more appropriate than the tone and texture of the Toft... sometimes it ain't.
Fletch if you're still around,

if one wanted just the EQ (and were basically not interested in the pre's and comps as you seem to agree) would you recommend the AFC-2? not sure its the same EQ thats in the ATC-2

I wouldnt mind a 2 channel EQ for my RNP and mono side for my GR ME-1nv