
No such thing. You use (or don't use) the particular settings you need on the particular source that needs it to fit into the particular mix.
This question simply cannot be answered... sorry.
It s like asking "can someone please give me settings for color correcting my picture". If we haven t seen the picture... we can t help you...
That chart probably hurts a newb as much as it helps them. People are going to open that chart while they mix, and start un-necassarilly cutting and boosting shit like it's going out of style.
That chart probably hurts a newb as much as it helps them. People are going to open that chart while they mix, and start un-necassarilly cutting and boosting shit like it's going out of style.
Yup. Completely pointless.
IDK, there's two things one could get out of it. Equating the verbal tone descriptions to freq and pitch is one.. That and everything overlaps -a lot!
This question is far too vague. You need to be more specific.
For example.
"Here is a sample of a cello in my Mix. Can you tell me what kind of EQ I should do to it so it sounds warmer and also more upfront yet still sits in the Mix without taking up too much space?"

Try asking questions like that with audio samples.
