Epiphone QC

Hahaha that's pretty funny. I wonder how that happened? I mean it seems that if you drill the holes for the tailpiece in a certain place on one guitar, you'd drill the holes in the same place for all other million guitars of the same make and model.

Maybe it was the first one off the line that day, and they'd been making lefties the day before and forgot to reset something? I sure hope that guy gets his money back or a replacement from Epiphone!
Guitar Center selling that guitar proves that they are the Wal Mart of the guitar world. inexfuckingscusable, period. how many of the companies that we collectively work for can pass off blatently defective product...I'm thinking of the electrical wire I install in a building that if the protective plastic sleeve has a PINHOLE a massive voltage will jump and weld some nearby metal or me. Gibson should care a little.
Oh Dear,
Now I'm going to have to run downstairs & have a look at mine. I have the same model, blonde, gold et al. I'm getting nervous...
WTF!? not only is that a horribly stupid mistake by epiphone, but how can someone own the guitar for 2 years before noticing?! And how can anyone offer the advice they have on that forum!?!? AND how can the guitar tech he brought it to just "set" the intonation on it, it's simply not possible.

This is a world of idiots, and in this particular instance the world's greatest powers have combined to bring us the likes of which we have never seen before.
It was supposed to be a left handed guitar. Or at least, the bridge is a left handed bridge. Put in a new nut and sell it to a lefty.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi