Epiphone Pickup Question

Henry Mars

New member
I am planning to purchase a new axe soon. I would like to buy a new ES-335 but cant afford one. I have looked at the Washburn knock off and it looks and plays fine.
I am also looking at Epiphone Elitist Models. (Dots and Sheraton's) I play mostly Jazz and Fusion. What is the difference between the pickups on these guitars sound wise?
Are you asking the difference between the Epi Elitist Dot and Casino or between and Epi Elitist and a Washburn?

From what I've heard - the Epi Elitist line is amazing for the price. Excellent craftsmanship and playability - they give the Gibson models a run for their money. The Dot has Humbuckers (good description here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humbucker#Sound) and the Casino has P-90s (good description here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-90#Sound). I believe they put fairly high quality PUs in these guitars - much better then the standard Epi line anyway.

As for the Washburn - I dont know. I just know Id go w/ the Epi Elitist over the Washburn any day. For Jazz/Fusion - I would probably go for P-90s/Casino... but opinions are like assholes...
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I'm waiting to trade a Music Man stack (too big and heavy) for a Sheraton II. The reason I like the Epi is that there are easy to rewire to any kind of Gibson configuration you want, with many options for DiMarzio, Seymour Duncan etc pickups. I usually replace the pickups in my instruments to get the sound I want, so that's important to me.
I already have a 55-77 Les with P90's in it. I use it once in a while.
I tried the Casino and it was a little hotter than I wanted.
The other axe that is in the running is a Guild Starfire II, but once again price is an issue.
I would like to try the Sheraton and Dot elitist side by side but there are no stores in my area that have them in stock. They stock them at my local guitar center but only have the low end models and you would think that they would be set up properly but they are not.
I know that there is a difference in the pickups between the the Sheraton and Dot ... it seems to be the only difference.
The Epi Dot is a terrific value and would be my choice if you're looking for something inexpensive and close to the ES335, but the Gibson is still better made and has a nicer neck, electronics and pups. Also, Yamaha and Ibanez make semi-hollowbody guitars, which you might want to look into.
A guy I play music with has an Epi Dot, and I am very impressed with it as compared to a 335. It sounds great and the finish, fit of the components, feel of the controls, etc. are all comparable to its much more expensive Gibson counterpart. If a 335 is what you want but are on a lower budget, get the Dot.
It has to be an Elitist be it a Sheraton or a Dot. After 50 years of playing I am getting more picky about things than I used to be.
I still need to hear the difference between the Sheraton and Dot Elitist models. I mean they look the same and spec out the same except for the pickups so there has to be a difference in sound. Also the pickups on the lower end models are not the same as used on the Elitist models.
I tried one of the AlleyKat models too. It was just too noisy and not quite the sound I wanted.
sheratons are so damn pretty. i've played the elitist model and own a non elitist sheraton II, and i gotta say there is a difference of course, but i dont know if it's worth all that extra dough. if you're trying to conserve some cash, just go with a sheraton- i promise you will be very pleased :)
Save some more money, and buy a Heritage 535 (used, if you can find someone willing to part with theirs). You'll love it, and it's a much better guitar than any of the others (including the Gibson). If you can't go for that, look into an Ibanez Artcore, which are damn fine guitars as well.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
an epi ...with a pro setup will get you close to gibson.

.....and if the pickups prove to be less than satisfactory its one of the easier things to replace.

epiphone semis have a lot of respect out there.