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I will be getting a used ASR 10 in as few days. Anybody here using one? Are there any user forums on line that are worth anything? Also, are there any resources online where I can get some GOOD sounds? I also have a MPC 2000xl...anybody using these machines together?......I'm just curious about any info/tips that would save me some time.
I have both

I have an ASR & MPC :

Thing is I use my ASR for it's keyboard and sound effects (FX Select) that's really it, back in the day before all of my equipment accumilated I used it for sequencing/sampling etc... but now I just use it as a MASTER CONTROLLER for all my other gear. The MPC is only used sparingly, when I dont feel like turning on everthing I have a beat pattern to flip, I use that every now and again, but I've stepped up way past that and use Cubase VST / Digital Performer
for all my music, slave everthing else via midi.

So to answer your question, both pieces are good, though both pieces do the exact same thing except the ASR has keys and give you more creative input (IF YOU PLAY KEYS THAT IS)
with the MPC all you do is sample, unless you JUST do HIP HOP (shaking my head) your fine with it, but to broaden and step up to learn patterns, chords, to sound different than the rest the ASR will do that for you, but both are good pieces

dayum.....a musical bigot(shaking my head)....anyway....hip hop is the number one selling music in the world right now.....betta recognize!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for ya input anyway...........