English lessons...


New member
Hello to all,

I am searching for a word that I suppose it may exist in english. The thing is: everytime I record voices in SX I end up with nasty clicks in every part where the signal is too high. Basically, it is the same click as when you overdrive or compress audio too much.

The way I corect this is using the editor, selecting the part where the click is and lowering its gain manually. I have to perform this task many times on a vocal track and I am not very happy with the results.

I would like to know the name of this nasty effect to search it on the manual, in case this can be corrected automatically via sofware after recording. Or in another words, can SX treat relatively "saturated" signals automatically?.

Thanks a lot,

It's called clipping and there really isn't a way to fix it with the software that I am aware of.

What you need to do is set the recording level of the vocals so that the loudest vocal moment in the whole piece is just below the level of clipping. Obviously using compression really can help with this.

Clipping does make a nasty little sound doesn't it? :(
As usual, fast and precise. Thanks, Master.
I also tried to stay away from the mic on the loudest parts, but the result was too artificial.
I recorded as you said, but the wave was so weak that I thought it was not "clean" enough. Then I "normalize" and compress it.
I will keep on going in this direction.