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Im going to be recording some emo-ish type songs when I get my Firebox. Im wondering if the SP B1/C1 (Which is better for loud ish emo vox?) would work better over the Shure SM57. Ill use the same mic for acoustic guitar too, so I want something versatile.

Im a guy, but I wont be singing grumbly low at all.


Shure SM57

For acoustic guitar and emo-ish vox.

If there are other mics in this price range that do the job, Id love to hear. Thanks alot!
i sometimes record black and death metal,
some of the screamers even refuse to record without holding the mic and putting their hands around it, you know...
so i've got a bunch of nice dynamics for those screamers,

use a Sennheiser md441 !
five bass rolloff thingies which allow you to change the sound big time without using EQ!

amazing fat great good deep sound, the mic can handle all spls (well, ALL,...)
stick it in a kick, in front of a bass amp...whatever,
it sounds ALOT

i repeat: ALOT better than any sm57 you'll ever own :cool:

don't spit on your condenser mics, i had better results with a decent dynamic and a good preamp-compressor than with cheap condensers

my favorite CHEAP setup for recording metal or loud vox:

mic - sennheiser md441 (or even an md421 works great)
preamp - soundcraft M8 or a Symetrix 528
comp - dbx 163x (dirt cheap and fat) or a Symetrix 501 (KILLS)

an sm57 works on everything, but if u compare mics with Boats then the 57 is a speedboat and the 441 more looks like a battleship,
got the point ;)

the 57 sounds thin compared with an md421 or 441 - IMO
I like the C1 much better than the B1 for Vox, but I like the B1 better on acoustics. However, I think that a pair of SDCs do better on an acoustic than LDCs. The SM57 is a do it all condensor...there are lots better for specific things, but there aren't as many mics that can do as much as a 57. It does vocals, guitar cabs, snares and toms, and it can do acoustic guitar quite well. I think every home recorder should have one personally.

I don't know what your budget is, but I would say you should get a 57, a C1 and a pair of SDCs like the JM27, 603s, or Mk-012. The next mic you should get is a LD dynamic like an AKG D112 or RE20. With those 5 mics you can do anything from drums to guitars (both kinds), various string and horn instruments and Vocals. 5 mics for a home recorder is sometimes all you need!

Im not talking about SCREAMS, just like some long, loud notes. I go from whispered to pretty loud sometimes. I only want to get one mic for now, and I dont plan on doing anything else (ever) besides acoustic guitar, vocals, and the occaisnal guitar amp. I dont need anything for drums. Thanks!
jkokura said:
Does it have to be a condensor? If not, think about the RE-20 or the SM7...


He's talking about Emo vocals. I'm guessing he has a pretty high voice as he kind of said he does "I wont be singing grumbly low at all", and I'm guessing that he isn't pulling off anything harsh, but maybe loud. I still have to push forward the v69. Save a few more bux and this will sound incredible on acoustics as well. If you want me to be even more sure, post a clip of your voice and I'll tell you.

Heres a clip of the general style of music we play... We'd be a little more harsh, like the guitar might be 'bigger' and the vocals a little louder and some screaming, but not you-cant-understand-because-its-so-grumbly kind of screaming.

The first clip is the deepens Ill be singing at and the kind of guitar we will play, and the second clip is more of the loudless and screams of my vocal. The music in the second clip is irrelevant.


Thanks for all the help! :)
Any vocal mic can handle emo, a little compression on the way in and you will do fine
Condenser - ADK Hamburg, CAD M179, Groove Tubes MD1b
Dynamic - SM7, Senn 441
But as I said, there is nothing particularly unique in emo, any mic can do it
scottfisher said:
Heres a clip of the general style of music we play... We'd be a little more harsh, like the guitar might be 'bigger' and the vocals a little louder and some screaming, but not you-cant-understand-because-its-so-grumbly kind of screaming.

The first clip is the deepens Ill be singing at and the kind of guitar we will play, and the second clip is more of the loudless and screams of my vocal. The music in the second clip is irrelevant.


Thanks for all the help! :)

oh my oh my oh my, this is some serious 12 year old dear livejournal stuff
gah i should keep quiet, i wouldn't want to get more off topic than the fact that this music is being called emo.
Artikulate said:
I would help but not only do I not know but I don't support this kind of music

Hey man, I'm in a fucking metal band... How much less supportive of Emo can you get than that? But this isn't supporting Emo, this is supporting a person who is looking for a little help. Just because he likes something you don't doesn't mean that if you had knowledge that would be helpful that you shouldn't share it and help a person out. He's human, just like you. And I just talked to him online, he's actually a pretty cool kid looking to jump into this world of home recording. Lets not scar him for life. He's not gonna take away from any of your client's.... yet...

jkokura said:
Does it have to be a condensor? If not, think about the RE-20 or the SM7...


I'd think it does. Proximity effect isn't going to be flattering, and the more responsive high-end of the condenser will be desirable for its breathiness--used to convey emotion, or the exaggeration thereof.
mshilarious said:
I'd think it does. Proximity effect isn't going to be flattering, and the more responsive high-end of the condenser will be desirable for its breathiness--used to convey emotion, or the exaggeration thereof.

Going to have to second this.

try finding a mic with a lot of mids, to bring out those whiny lyrics ;)

no one get pissy at me, its a joke.
Hey man, I'm in a fucking metal band

Well good for fuckin you.

How much less supportive of Emo can you get than that?


But this isn't supporting Emo, this is supporting a person who is looking for a little help

A person looking to make emo music.

Just because he likes something you don't doesn't mean that if you had knowledge that would be helpful that you shouldn't share it and help a person out

If he knows something I don't then he can keep it a secret. Happy? :)

Lets not scar him for life

Let's leave that to himself :rolleyes:

He's not gonna take away from any of your client's.... yet...

Internet threats... :eek:
You are hardcore. I'm very frightened
Well... I got definitley got the help I needed and I thank Ben and whoever else pointed me in the right direction. I dont want this to turn into a long fight thread, so if a mod could lock or delete it that'd be good. Thanks again for all of the input.
tourettes5139 said:
I know you meant dynamic. I just had to do it. Sorry. :D :D

Holy crap! It's like the most elemental part of this gig! And that's the second time I've done that....what the heck is wrong with me! On top of that, I'm selling a TS9 that's from the 80's, but I typed in as 70's in the ad...they didn't even EXIST in the 70's...

I should change my name to moron

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