Email from se regarding the reflexion filter

I have the SE and I am not crazy about it.

I have a room that I prefer would not be part of my recorded vocal sound, which is why I bought it.

I have a decent LDC, (used in cardoid) and the SE was not effective in diminishing, never mind eliminating, the sound of the room. I used it as indicated but it sits unused now.

Blankets over a boom stand and/or a small decorative room divider (draped with a comforter and pirated from my sweet, understanding lady) are much more effective.

Anyone tell me how to use it I am all "ears" cause it is the most disapointing investment in sound gear in my life!
Blankets over a boom stand and/or a small decorative room divider (draped with a comforter and pirated from my sweet, understanding lady) are much more effective.


I know some folks comment on the (in)effectiveness of the vocal shields...but I'm wondering how many know exactly what the shields are actually doing? they know if they are just taking out the more obvious reflections or are they working broadband...or what?

But yeah...just for taming typical flutter echo for doesn't take a whole lot more than some blankets...sometimes it's just a PITA getting them in postion. A ready-made device would make it easier/faster.

I know some folks comment on the (in)effectiveness of the vocal shields...but I'm wondering how many know exactly what the shields are actually doing? they know if they are just taking out the more obvious reflections or are they working broadband...or what?

But yeah...just for taming typical flutter echo for doesn't take a whole lot more than some blankets...sometimes it's just a PITA getting them in postion. A ready-made device would make it easier/faster.

I know what it's NOT doing and that is taking out a pretty harsh reflection slapback in the +260 bucks I expected more! That's a pain in the wallet! LOL
So if I got acoustic foam and set it up in the shape and size as the PVB or RE it would basically be just as effective?
I always found I got the best results by angling the thing pointing downward for vocals or upward when trying to separate a guitar and vocal.

It's not perfect and you're never going to get complete separation but it does help. Personally, I find the duvet option to be a better one for my own situation.

I'd never buy one because I could spend that kind of dough on a new mic or proper acoustic treatment for the room.