electrovoice N/D408 and N?D468 difference?

For years my two 408B's were my go-to mics for rack toms. Not only did they sound great, but their tiny "footprint" (especially compared to rather bulky "standard" for toms: Sennheiser 421) made them easy to position without getting in anyone's way.

The 468 just looks to be the current upgraded version. I'm guessing it may have a slightly extended frequency response compared to the original, but I don't have the specs in front of me.

These days, though, I'm going through a phase where I'm using condenser mics (414EB's) on toms, so my 408's are getting a rest. ;)
I currently use the N/D 468s which by the way, I like very much. - the 408, as already stated, just looks like an older version.
While we're at it, I've seen some N/D 308's for sale used and I can't find any info about them. They also look the same as your pic above.. tom mics too ? even older or different ?
Sure, use them anywhere you'd use a dynamic - they're a little brighter than 57's - more like the beta 57.

The 308 was the "budget" version. Not quite as an extended frequency range.
Just thought I'd drag up another old thread, as I have seen two N/D408's for sale.

I just wondered what the going second hand rate is?

i think the differences between the the different versions of the 408 are in the housing. cant remember for sure, but when i got my 408 i looked it up.

anyway. me love the 408. great for guitar, very exciting and aggressive sounding. looks great. like it on voice. tom good.

sort of a nice better than average, worse than the best dynamic. i think they are pretty useful. i'll never get rid of mine.

i paid $75, but i have seen them go $50-$125. you never know. sort of a small supply, small demand problem.

and, by the way, i was watching those auctions cause i was hoping no one would notice them. thanks for ruining it!
I have seen them on a UK auction site, are these the same ones you have seen? I think they are already over $75?
I have a set that came with both mics in a box. I think the 408 is designed for toms and the 468 is geared for those lower freq. as in kick. I think both are extraordinary mics for their price range.
I think your confusing the 468 with the 868;) The 868 is a kick mic.

I love my 408, wish I had bought more .
The 408A is smaller than the 408B. The 'B' model is surposed to be better for instruments and I think the 'A' version is better for vocals?