Electronica Mix


New member
Well this is my first mix up. This is an electronic project I just started. All the music was created in FL Studio 8 and the vocals were recorded in Cubase 5 essential, and then everything mixed together in Cubase.

I used an AT3035 to record my vocals.

I guess I'm curious if it's missing anything with the mix. Does something need to be eq'd differently? Too much compression? Ready for mastering? Any feedback is appreciated.

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Christian electro-pop? That's one I haven't heard before.

It's pretty decent.

I'd tone back the auto-tune on the vocals a lot.

The chorus is pretty catchy. Though the vocals there don't sound very enthusiastic. It's tough to find that balance between singing correctly and singing energetically while tracking, but I think you erred a little towards the former.

The enthusiasm sounds fine on the verses though.
For a first mix Id say great job...good levels...

but Id say the sounds used sound too standard, like presets that havent been manipulated enough...try running the chorus trance synth through some filters...and maybe use delay in there a bit more creatively...like at the end of each verse get the "bleep" to delay into the chorus during the rising reverse crash..

also some gentle stereo imaging above around 125Hz upwards will help spread those synths out without losing your bass/kick anchors

Id try reverbing the snare and overlapping another kick in there that could also use some reverb to give it a bigger boom and maybe a boost around the 70Hz mark

and just when youve got the autotune where you want it turn it down some....your song, because of the faith part, is delivering a message, but I think you are losing it to the effect

not too much all in all to get it there, just some tweaks to make it more interesting...good job, in fact for a first time excellent job :)
Thanks for the helpful hints and encouragements gents! Hugely appreciated!

VomitHatSteve- I can tell what you mean, and I think the lack of enthusiasm in the chorus is due to the autotune effect. I'll try toning it back a bit and see what comes about.

Kcearl- You have sharp ears sir! I did use standard preset instruments in FL. I know the basics for FL but not nearly everything(i'm not even sure how to add reverb to an instrument), I'll do some research and see what I can do to liven it up!
You speak of 'stereo imaging', what is that exactly? How would I do that?
Lastly, when I wrote the song in FL I just exported the whole thing as an MP3 and placed it into a single channel in Cubase. Would you recommend exporting each instrument seperately as MP3's into Cubase?
Thanks a ton for your help guys!
Thanks for the helpful hints and encouragements gents! Hugely appreciated!

VomitHatSteve- I can tell what you mean, and I think the lack of enthusiasm in the chorus is due to the autotune effect. I'll try toning it back a bit and see what comes about.

Kcearl- You have sharp ears sir! I did use standard preset instruments in FL. I know the basics for FL but not nearly everything(i'm not even sure how to add reverb to an instrument), I'll do some research and see what I can do to liven it up!
You speak of 'stereo imaging', what is that exactly? How would I do that?
Lastly, when I wrote the song in FL I just exported the whole thing as an MP3 and placed it into a single channel in Cubase. Would you recommend exporting each instrument seperately as MP3's into Cubase?
Thanks a ton for your help guys!

Im not sure of the plugin situation with FL but I know for certain Cubase has a stereo imaging tool..Im not sure how in depth it is but if you export your tracks (stems) into cubase it should be a lot easier to add some effects...
stick a stereo tools in the synth track and widen it gently to spread it out across the soundscape..

Im not sure what other tools Cubase has but heres a free filter vst that you could also place in the track to manipulate the sound a little....


in fact there's a few sound manipulators in there...so no harm in experimenting

btw if you are having difficulties in FL or Cubase there are a ton of tutorials on youtube that are pretty straightforward :)

Note: always export as wave files, dont covert to MP3 until its your final mix