Electronic Salad

Yup, that's pretty twisted. I used to do stuff like this (but not as successfully) when we had an old lowrey organ around the house.

What is the sort of floppy (envelope filtered?) percussion sound that starts around :33? I like that the whole thing builds to a point where it's almost just noise and then kind of reforms a little towards the end.
This is a pretty cool song, and you've got some really cool sounds in here.

That being said, your noise floor is really high (this is especially apparent at the beginning and end), and the whole song is pretty smashed compression-wise. It's loud and doesn't have a ton of dynamic range. (which, in turn, hurts its replay value and makes hit physically-tiring to listen to.)
no compression used except for slight limiting on the stereomastermix
but i've used distorsion on the drumpattern and recorded pretty loud

noisefloor, i don't know. part of it is the cassetteportastudios, part of it is the stompboxes used.
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