electro jazz? where to start..


New member
This is a rough mix I did messing around with a jazz head that I've been messing with. Usually the stuff I work on lately has been mostly electronic based, so this is the first time I'm mixing horn into it, and definitely the first thing I've done in this style, so... what directions do you guys think I could take this in?

Love the horn. I think you have a nice feel for jazz. The organ sounds gated and unnatural. Use microphones instead of direct-in. Lose the drum machine. You can do it. Really.
Interesting rhythmic contrast going on between the horn and the drums here. Beautiful trumpet playing. I like the real vs sampled contrast in the parts except they're missing the cohesion that comes from being performed in the same physical space - "duuuuhhh" he's saying, but wait... I wonder how it would sound if you amp'd the sampled sounds and mic'd them in the same room the horn was tracked in. Might pull the parts together in a non-electronic way.

Or be really artsy-fartsy and do it live in a good hall with just a stereo config for the "ensemble" and a spot on the horn. Doubt anybody'd go to all that trouble but I bet you could get a hell of a recording that way.

personally i love the drum machine. i wouldn't get rid of it. Gives it an electronic feel. reminds me of "life in a glass house" by radiohead, off the album amnesiac.
Guys thanks for the feedback, really useful stuff.

I definitely would love to do this with a dedicated organist instead of me, a drummer and probably a dj/analog synth player.

Working with what I have though, I remixed this totally, adding a more varied and acoustic, yet albeit still sampled drum part, brought the organ down in the mix, and used some of that sweet convolution reverb goodness to try to match it acoustically to where the horn sits in the mix.

but yeah, what I really need is a band :)

Thanks again.

the link is the same for the new version:
Night and day difference. That's a very believable space created by the verb, and the gentler panning effect that happens occasionally suits the arrangement more I think. In fact everything about the mix is really good... organ, drums. Well, maybe the organ when it gets really active isn't quite as well placed in the "room" as the other tracks but it's good - WAY better than before. I'm listening to the versions back-to-back, or actually side-by-side, since I'm comparing phrases, heh-heh.

This is very close to how I'd expect it would sound if it could be performed live in a good room. Well done.

tighten up the drum kit-especially the HH's , its dragging everything and looses the pocket- its not grooving throughout.
Oh, yeah, the new version cuts short all the complaints I was gonna make about the juxtaposition of reverb curves and room ambience. So there ya go. VERY interesting, Avant-Darko thing. Miles meets Puffy, or somesuch.. While a real band would probably sound more "authentic", I can't really say that the electronic choices are bad ones.

You certainly know your way around a valve body.
i really really like the contrast between the electronic sounds and the horn.

you said you would like to do it with a real drummer, but i think that might ruin it.

in some parts it reminds me of some mark mothersbaugh stuff.