Electrical Clicking


New member
Hi all (not sure this is the right place but as long as I don't cross post I guess...)

Just a quick question with an answer from you guys to hopefully reassure me.

Had a bit of a rearrange of my home studio yesterday, now I appear to have a 'clicking' in the background of my audio. It's not like a normal earth hum I don't think. I first heard it when I plugged in my guitar this morning and took my hands off the axe.

Tried different guitars, different leads to the POD, different leads from the POD to the computer, different power sockets, etc.

Finally I think I've traced it down to the amp and speakers as when unplugging one of the sends from the mixer to the amp and holding it just in my hand it produces this 'clicking'. Any suggestions as to what this is?

Cheers Rich

(About to dismantle the studio again)
Upstairs Downstairs

Okay, I have a clue now. Plugging amplified stuff into any power socket upstairs, whether in my studio room or the bedroom produces this clicking.

Plug into a power socket downstairs, no clicking! What could have changed with the power since I rearranged stuff yesterday and how can I get rid of the clicking on the power supply upstairs?

Is this gonna need some certified electric man? Sob...
Sounds like there is something else on the circuit upstairs that is interfering. Try setting everything up so you hear the clicking then systematically unplug other stuff (even outside of the studio equipment) to see if the noise stops.

Er.. well, it gets worse.

I unplugged everything upstairs, including the TV and Stereo in the bedroom, all the studio equipment bar my guitar, lead , headphones and pod - still a ticking there. Just to test, unplugged the pod, plugged mixer in and another lead and headphones - same ticking.

So, good news is it's not the gear, bad news is 'where the bloody hell is that ticking coming from????'

Gonna phone my electric friend.

More later.
Found it!

Found the culprit after lots of running up and downstairs, unplugged everything in the house after finding that I only had one ring for ALL the power sockets in my house - upstairs and downstairs and that the clicking had to be coming from something plugged into a socket after the socket I'd tested downstairs.

And drum roll....

It was the new Wide Screen TV we bought a couple of days ago, first time it had been left in 'Standby' mode and it makes a ticking. Put it on a channel and watch something, no ticking. Turn it off, no ticking. Standby mode. Ticking.

So, gotta remember to turn that thang off when noone is watching it before I lay down any tunes.

Cheers to those who replied to me!

Rich T