Elation KM201?


I have a matched stereo pair of the Elation KM201s (cardioid, not omni...), and bought them after A-B ing them with the Neumanns. It was about a year ago, so I can't recall the particular differences between the two, but I remember loving the Elations and finding them a much better deal then the Neumanns. Don't get me wrong, I love Neumann just as much as the next guy and own a TLM103 and a U87. But I find myself reaching for the Elations on just about everything except for vocals.

I have gotten much better sound out of the Elations on acoustic guitar, classical guitar and particularly as a stereo pair on piano and as drum overheads. They are quite simply very warm and smooth, particularly through a tube mic pre, whereas the Neumanns tend to be a touch more brittle for my taste. Additionally I find I rarely use much EQ on any acoustic instrument recorded with the 201s (provided my mic placement is ok).

If you search the posts you'll find I'm one of the few people who commented on the 201s, but oh I do love these mics and would reccommned them, despite the fact that few people (I think) own them. Many people love the Oktavas MC012s, but think of these as Oktavas that go up to 11.
