Egnater rebel 20 - tube upgrade?


Flailing up a storm.
Hey all,
i have had the rebel 20 for about 4 months now and i really like it. It has a great range of tones, but I would say that only one or two that i have dialed in really nail a great tone and it can get muddy, especially when pushed with a powerful humbucker. I am trying to get down to one amp and a simple rig that can do a few different sounds well, and i was just about convinced to sell the four or so amps i have picked up over the past years (blues JR, fender blues deluxe, an old lafayette and the egnater) and get one great head that would do this. Maybe a budda superdrive or something in this price/tone range. The egnater renegade would be an option as well.

Playing a strat, studio LP (classic 57 pup in the neck), SG standard , 335 knock off (with classic 57's) through vintage 30's for speakers. The SG sounds the worst, i think the pickups are just too high output for this setup, gets fuzzy and muddy as the gain goes up.

I like the idea of multiple channels, but for now i can live with tweaking knobs for diff sounds. I have been reading up on the web feedback on the rebel, and I see several posts that a tube upgrade can really help this amp.

So before i invest more into new tubes, do you think that this upgrade could really make that much of a diff in the overall tone, or should i suck it up and really make the investment in a new amp entirely?

Thanks Zaphod.

There are waaaay too many forums for me to keep track of, but this looks perfect.

Daav, that forum is the Egnater BBS Mothership. Bruce Egnater frequently posts there, and he has answered a couple of questions of mine.