Effects using channel faders...


New member
I'm really showing my ignorance here, but I can't remember how to bring my effects in through the channel faders. Now, I'm using the effects return knobs.

Do I come from the output of the effect to the channel input? If I want stereo, do I use 2 channels? As for bussing, do I need to asign anything, or just punch the L-R button? I have a 4 -buss board.

Am I making any sense here?

You hook up the sends just like you would normally, that is, patch the auxilliary send on the mixer to the input of your effects device. The stereo outputs of the effects device are then patched to two channels of the mixer and panned left and right.
Just like Track Rat said and then send them to where ever you want (main mix, a bus, another aux send out). I do this all the time and what I will exclusively do (at mixdown) once my console is finished and installed.