effects software``


New member
I have just about every effect out there by wave, sonic, bbe, lk multimedia, Ect. ect. Anyways what are the best and are they worth even using I find the eqs good and sonic maximizer good but what about phasers and vocal pitch correctors and all that jazz. and what about those keyboard programs like by emagic and all the others are they worth getting the midi keyboard, since i have shit load of programs for it. Or are all those programs just pretty to look at.
The BBE is the best, no question.

Run it on all your tracks, and again on your master bus, and you'll be amazed at the clarity!!

Waves plugins suck!! Well, they're kind of okay. . .they're pretty-looking but dull-sounding.

But man, no comparison to the BBE!!
sellthekids said:
I have just about every effect out there by wave, sonic, bbe, lk multimedia, Ect. ect. Anyways what are the best and are they worth even using I find the eqs good and sonic maximizer good but what about phasers and vocal pitch correctors and all that jazz. and what about those keyboard programs like by emagic and all the others are they worth getting the midi keyboard, since i have shit load of programs for it. Or are all those programs just pretty to look at.
What exactly are you asking for? :confused:

I mean, BBE Maximizer is a great effect if used with care. Autotune is great for tuning vocals. SIR is great for Reverb. VSampler is a beautifull sampler.

The best effects is IMHO made by Waves. But stand by for Convolution Reverb...

And if you have every effect by waves sonic, bbe, ik, etc, then you
obviously know how to use them since you must have used your life-savings on them.... :rolleyes:
Thanks, I like the bbe and and the auto tune they are cool. I was kind of wondering if i should get a keyboard for midi programs ( is it worth it).you know the pro 52, vokator, the b4 and rebirth. are they worth using or should i just take them off my computer. I have messed around with them but not with a midi keyboard, just with a mouse.oh and programs are way to much to pay for.
sellthekids said:
Thanks, I like the bbe and and the auto tune they are cool. I was kind of wondering if i should get a keyboard for midi programs ( is it worth it).you know the pro 52, vokator, the b4 and rebirth. are they worth using or should i just take them off my computer. I have messed around with them but not with a midi keyboard, just with a mouse.oh and programs are way to much to pay for.

If you 'paid' so much for all of the effects you mentioned why would you want to uninstall them? Actually, the best thing to do to get them off your computer is to format :D

Sorry, this board doesn't like to help people who use pirated software/plug-in's or 'stolen' (as in copied) software.

lend a hand

Cool thanks for the help I love what i have used and dont care that much about midi, since i play all live instruments.Who would steal, why copy, just talk to people make friends. Most likely people in charge will help out talent. Wouldnt you, havent you bought a young kid a distortion pedal so he would be on the right track. Did a recording for free for a good band, or fixed some dumbass guitar players shit because he doesnt know what a pod is. Hate on me all you want, and go ahead and dont make friends, dont lend a hand, humanitly doesnt need humans to be humain. I love free stuff, especail my free dw drum set.
Re: lend a hand

sellthekids said:
I love free stuff
I love free stuff too, but the effects you've mentioned aren't free.

And what are you talking about? I'm not buying a kid a distrortion pedal to "guide him on to the right track". Are you insane? If that kid got problems, then I can give him some tips so he can research it himself, but I'm not buying him his new gigging setup!

Funny you should mention making friends. We're all friends here and we use legal software.
This is so typical.
It reminds me of kids who brag about mothering children out of wedlock,brag about stealing,brag about shooting people.
They're too ignorant to understand that their actions are a drag on society.

Somebody went to school,worked hard and designed that software.
They should be compensated for it.

It's not free,it's stolen.

Stealing something shows that you have no morals.

Admitting it shows you have no brains.
If bragging about helping people out is childish. Then i am a "kid". Not only distortion pedals, I have bought peolple pick ups,drum sticks and let people use my rig. I have given away old amps and guitars. I love to spread the music around, and other people want you to use software like they do so they give it to me. You never even bought someone a cd so they could hear a different style of music. No, your selfish. Not only did i get my software free( this is bragging) I got my computer free, drums, half stack and bass for free .good stuff, D.W. fender marshall.

So remember,like others have said before me be a drag and dont help out.If you see a kid using solid state amps,dont turn them on to tubes. when someone cant afford a good bass, but has talent dont buy them pickups. Dont even fix people stuff, because it easier to not care.

Still your friend
I'll buy the software....but please tell me where I can get some free computers, guitars, amps and drums
sellthekids said:
I have bought peolple pick ups,drum sticks and let people use my rig. I have given away old amps and guitars.
Then you need to save the money for yourself and buy the software you use! That would really help out the software developers and us users, giving us better software for the price! :mad:

Hmmm... you can give me a set of V-Drums if you want. That would really help me out!
sellthekids said:
If bragging about helping people out is childish. Then i am a "kid". Not only distortion pedals, I have bought peolple pick ups,drum sticks and let people use my rig. I have given away old amps and guitars. I love to spread the music around, and other people want you to use software like they do so they give it to me. You never even bought someone a cd so they could hear a different style of music. No, your selfish. Not only did i get my software free( this is bragging) I got my computer free, drums, half stack and bass for free .good stuff, D.W. fender marshall.

You know, there's a difference. Hooking somebody up with some drumsticks or an amp isn't the same as copying (stealing) licensed software. Software can be copied for nothing. You can't really copy a Marshall head. Marshall aint out anything cause they already sold the amp. Software is a tool, like an amp is a tool. Time effort and money go into developing these things. Would you steal a guitar amp from the music store? It's the same thing. There's no way you're going to come out of this convincing anyone you're not a complete leach, so I'd just let it go if I were you.
I can't believe you don't get it.
And if you installed it on your machine, you DID copy it. Whether these generous friends paid or not (which I doubt) YOU are using the software illegally. STEALING.
I'm done now.
last comment Karma-give and get

They came in the box sealed, hope they werent stolen or copied. It would have been a good copy , to come with the box. Dont be jealous, sorry you dont get free stuff. Maybe its your attitude. Read what you guys type, alot hate you guys have.Dont you swear at the person who wins the lotto, or talk trash about people who have made it in the music industry. I bet you do.Keep your spirits high, and make friends. You havent won one here. Sorry i rubbed it in your face about getting free software and equipment(did i mention i got my hardware free it is"a copy"). I didnt want you to feel the way you do, because you dont know anybody cool. Like i said maybe its you. I couldnt stand to watch a friend play live shows with a digitech rp 100. So i bought his a ds 1, a marshall jackhammer, and a chorus pedal. Friends dont let friends play crap. I use to own a rolland vs unit, and made real good records with it. Someone gave me a computer, and another buddy gave me some programs. I started talking to people then all the sudden bam, new program, bam new program. Shit after awhile I had more stuff then i could use. I got kicked down hardware from people who up graded. I filled in on drums for friends but didnt own a pair so someone gave me a drum set so i could play all the time. I kept borrowing my buddies bass, so he gave me one of his. Not that i need free stuff I make decent money. But you dont get rich by spending money. Qoute me on that one. My friends, dont act like dick, to assume. Just makes an ass out of you. Not me.Once again (because stupid people got off track because of their jealousy)I own shit loads of stuff, most free,none stolen, copied, or ripped. Enough you jealous people. Now with that said, go make some friends, and karma will get you back
Re: last comment Karma-give and get

sellthekids said:
They came in the box sealed, hope they werent stolen or copied. It would have been a good copy , to come with the box. Dont be jealous, sorry you dont get free stuff. Maybe its your attitude. Read what you guys type, alot hate you guys have.Dont you swear at the person who wins the lotto, or talk trash about people who have made it in the music industry. I bet you do.Keep your spirits high, and make friends. You havent won one here. Sorry i rubbed it in your face about getting free software and equipment(did i mention i got my hardware free it is"a copy"). I didnt want you to feel the way you do, because you dont know anybody cool. Like i said maybe its you. I couldnt stand to watch a friend play live shows with a digitech rp 100. So i bought his a ds 1, a marshall jackhammer, and a chorus pedal. Friends dont let friends play crap. I use to own a rolland vs unit, and made real good records with it. Someone gave me a computer, and another buddy gave me some programs. I started talking to people then all the sudden bam, new program, bam new program. Shit after awhile I had more stuff then i could use. I got kicked down hardware from people who up graded. I filled in on drums for friends but didnt own a pair so someone gave me a drum set so i could play all the time. I kept borrowing my buddies bass, so he gave me one of his. Not that i need free stuff I make decent money. But you dont get rich by spending money. Qoute me on that one. My friends, dont act like dick, to assume. Just makes an ass out of you. Not me.Once again (because stupid people got off track because of their jealousy)I own shit loads of stuff, most free,none stolen, copied, or ripped. Enough you jealous people. Now with that said, go make some friends, and karma will get you back
The Zen Master has shown me the way.
Actually, I still kinda think you're a software downloading liar. Do you have any idea of the pricetag of all the software you've said was given to you "sealed in the box"? I don't believe you, never going to, and am unsubscribing to this thread now.