effects send / return


New member
I've been using N-track and I just bought a 1010lt soundcard.

Will I be able to send some tracks out and route them through an external effects unit and bring them back into n-track? I know I can dig for the answer, I just thought I get a quick answer here.

hey you know what...I don't know

But dor me that doesn't sound exactly probable. Or doable. Because you are sending tracks out (playing them right?), thru the effects unit, and back into n-track (recording fresh tracks).

Well maybe it is possible. But then you would wind up with 2 sets of tracks, one with effects, one without :). That's what I'm thinking anyways. That's if your machine didn't wig out doing this.

I guess the best thing to do is try and find out :D. Personally I am preferring more and more to just use plug-ins in n-track, it saves the hassle of extra wires, but more importantly you aren't stuck with the effect once it is recorded.
well yes of course you can do it...solo the tracks you want to run thru it, hook the output of your soundcard into the effects processor and back to the input of the card.....

now, what soundcard are you using and what effects processor?...because unless you have really good to great gear, plugins (even the free ones) will in most cases sound better.....
I have a 1010lt sound card, as I listed in my original post. I want to send the drums through a joe meek MC2. I'm really looking for the character of the Joe meek.

The answer I was really hoping for was to be able to route a Aux send to one of the outputs of the card and to route the aux return to one of the cards inputs. Perhaps I'll ask Flavio if he plans on that option or knows of a way to do it.

You can do it very easily. In N-track go to File>Settings>Preferences>Audio devices and select which output channel you want to use. While you're there, select which input channel you will be recording to as well. Then patch that output to your outboard unit and patch the output from you unit into the input channel you selected in your Delta 1010lt. Now open your M-Audio mixer and go to the patch panel and make sure that output channel is patched correctly and in the mixer make sure you are reading an input in the correct input channel. Depending on whether or not your MC2 adds gain to it's signal you may have to attenuate the output to avoid clipping. Oh yeah, you still need to solo that track.

Also, you may need to shift the effected track once recorded, as this will usually cause a small delay.

Blessings, Terry
I was told not to do this because the D/A then A/D conversion would add noise. Anyone experience this?