Effects pedal - getting feedback

It could be...

...unnecessarily high gain settings...


...overly bright or bad pickups...


...playing too close to the amp at high volume (at loud volumes, you don't need to crank the gain all out...)


..all of the above...

Considering that you chose the 'Death Metal pedal' my wild guess would be that you are trying to use too much distorion (gain) in an attempt to get the heaviest sound possible, try backing it down a bit and see if that fixes it. Good luck.
If your amp is already set for distortion and you crank an overdrive pedal through that,you have too much of a gain stack....the guitar will literally feedback at the volume of a whisper.
So what are you saying Tweedville?
Are you saying I should just use my amp's distortion?
Should turn down my amp's distortion and just use my pedals?
it's probably the guitar. my friend has got a Warlock (korean) and has the same problem. so i should say it's probably the humbucker. but any other item mentioned by bruce are very likely to be the source...

greetz guhlenn;)

oh and bruce; gain to almost maximum when played loud or soft (volume wise) is my setting... why do you say the gain can be rolled back when playing louder?
it's probably the guitar. my friend has got a Warlock (korean) and has the same problem. so i should say it's probably the humbucker. but any other item mentioned by bruce are very likely to be the source...

greetz guhlenn;)

oh and bruce; gain to almost maximum when played loud or soft (volume wise) is my setting... why do you say the gain can be rolled back when playing louder?

and i might add that tweedville is more than right : you cannot (as in CANNOT) use both dist. to the max.
Dude, the Death Metal is a feedback crazed beast. Learn to use your guitars volume to control it, or put a volume pedal IN FRONT of the dist pedal.

This beast can be controlled. Trust me, I've been using it for a while and my amp has roughly twice the output of the Bandit. Just takes some practice :)
yes to above-learn gain staging

One of the great secrets of sound managemant is gain staging.Each link in the signal chain can be set to be clean or to color the sound.
It seems you want your main tone to be shaped by the pedal.So you should set up your amp to be at the point of maximum clean volume before any breakup or distortion occurs.Let the additional voltage of the pedal push things over the edge tonally.

guhlenn said:

oh and bruce; gain to almost maximum when played loud or soft (volume wise) is my setting... why do you say the gain can be rolled back when playing louder?

As you turn the amp's master volume up, it takes much less gain to get the same level of distortion than it did at a lower volume. If the master level of an amp is at 2 (I know, I know -- who plays an amp at volume 2??? ;) ) and you set your gain to max, for maximum distortion... if you then turn up the master volume to say 6/7 and leave the gain max'd out, the guitar will pretty much howl all by itself... higher volume means less gain is necessary to acheive the same distortion level.


well i knew that... why did i ask then? Well i play metal ;) so uhmmm, i just use maxed out gain... thought it was some recording trick to make the guitar sound better. i guess you're reffering to the tube amp effect here... oh and btw i play at 2-3 most of the time ... tried playing venues louder than 2-3 with a 100watt head-> the sound guy was trying to kill me...

kinda is a bummer to me as i like the distortion that powertubes give me (and a distorting transformer). but i never have heard my head at 10... cuz at 5 the windows start to tremendously move... another victim of the 100watt head race... if i only had been smarter.

ah well,

greetz guhlenn:)