Effects for vocals?


Milk It
Hey, just messing around with some vocals, and they sound pretty flat by themselves just straight out. Is there anything I can put on them to make them sound kind of smoother? It's not the actual vocals I'm saying sound flat, but was just wondering if anyone knows of something I could do to spice up the vocal track.


Probably a good time for you to start exploring VST's. There is quite a bit that can be done after the fact. But of course recording techniques can help as well. Skipping that though, you can start looking into reverb, chorus, delay, et cetera.

I like to add very little of anything. So that you wouldn't notice it if it's there, but you might if it's gone. You can also go old school and duplicate the track and then move one of them over a millisecond or so and get some delay that way.
Ah sick, that sounds cool. I've experimented with ReaVerb a little bit, but never really got anything noticably cool sounding. But I'm a bit of a nub to Reaper, so it's expected.

How do I work chorus/delay/is there a place I can read up on this?
Well VST plugins aren't just for Reaper. And to be honest you're asking for a huge list :). But to make it simple for the moment so you can just get started Try this.


You'll be able to find some free VST's from them for reverb and others. Download them and give them a whirl. Start by just using one of the presets and hear what it does to the vocal track. Really you'll just want to experiment.

Now if you want more information than you can handle, along with another very active message board, then head to http://www.kvraudio.com/
Hey, just messing around with some vocals, and they sound pretty flat by themselves just straight out. Is there anything I can put on them to make them sound kind of smoother? It's not the actual vocals I'm saying sound flat, but was just wondering if anyone knows of something I could do to spice up the vocal track.


If the vocals are tracked right from the start, all you will really need is a little compression and some reverb on them.

Now if you want to play with them, add some really cool effects, go through the whole list of effects that Reaper has, and see what each one will do with the vocal track solo'd, then in the mix. It's how I learned what works and what won't.