effect send?


New member
vs880ex effect send?

Can someone explain to me how to use the effect send on the vs880ex. I've recorded my vocal track on track 1, what do i do on play back of that track. I know i want to add some reverb but how do i do that, insert,prefade, i'm not sure what is what. I don't have a manual so it sort of sucks. I recorded on trk 1 with comp inserted but is this even correct?. Thax.
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Try this. First make the track in question active. Then press shift + "select/ch edit) button 7 (If you have the reverb on effect-1) or shift+8 if you have it on effect-2. That's just my guess after looking at a picture of the 880EX... My guess is that when you do this, the fx send level will be displayed. Also make sure you don't have the effect inserted somewhere any longer, or the effect sends won't work...

You can probably buy a manual from Roland... If there isn't a .pdf somewhere on the web...
