Effect Question and One Extra one


New member

2 quick questions (well maybe not so quick):

1. I am trying to emulate an effect that I hear on a lot of hard rock / metal albums for vocals. Not sure if its a plug in that does this or what - i will try my best to explain it. On some songs when the singer is coming in for the first time on the first verse there is a sort of lead in that is rising in volume, almost like an echo effect or swell that is ascending in volume, that leads right into the vocal. I am going to try and see if I can find an example to post. In the interim does anyone have any idea what i am referring to or maybe just have an alternate idea for some sort of effect to add a little flavor to the lead in of the vocal.

2. More of a subjective question. i have recorded a few songs for this heavy band. the singer is very aggressive styled vocals. On the new songs they now have a guitar player singing the chorus parts - and as expected, he sings very clear. I am not sure if its just because I am so used to hearing the other singer and his aggressive style all the time but I feel like when the other singer comes in it almost sounds like you can tell they were recorded separately. Obviously they were, but something sounds strange to me - and its not the performances. Both guys sing there parts great. Is there some sort of technique that sort of smooths these two distinct vocals out so they dont sound like someone taking a vocal from a totally different recording session and just pasting it on a track. I compressed both tracks differently since there vocals are so extreme as compared to each other. I believe the mix is fine as far as the volume of both vocal tracks in relation to the other tracks. Just wondering if I am missing something.

Any ideas are always appreciated. Also I apologize in advance for the vagueness of these questions.

Happy Holidays All

Mike Pelle
1) Reverse reverb.

You need to reverse the track you want to apply the effect to and apply reverb to the first (in this case, last) syllable of the phrase. Reverse it again and line it up.

2) Eh, that's what mixing is all about.
Thanks for the response I will try the reverse reverb technique.

As for the second question - I kind of felt it was the mixing. I am pretty new to mixing so I will keep working on getting better. just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing something else besides experience and practice.


Mike Pelle
ReaVerb will do this as well in a slightly different way but with the same sort of effect.

Reverse the impulse and set some time in the pre reverb control
