edit window...


New member
o.k. heres the problem, i get audio when i'm in multitrack mode, but when i go to the edit window, i cant hear what i'm editing...this includes mixing as well....is there a mixer setting that i am missing?
Have you tried...

OPTIONS > SETTINGS > and then change the WAVEFORM PLAYBACK to the sound card you are using for monitoring ?

What you can do is first go to Multitrack mode and right click on the side (where it has track 1, track 2, and so forth) and note what you have listed under Playback Device. And like PapillonIrl said, go to Options>Settings>Devices and make sure that it lists the same soundcard under Waveform Playback that it does under Playback Device in Multitrack Mode.

If that doesn't work, there might be some configuring you need to do with your soundcard, so if that doesn't work just tell us what soundcard you have and we'll do the best to help you out.
actually papillionIrL answered my question...now I have another question for you...i'm using a alesis studio16 console to run all my inputs....only problem is, i cant seem to get very high levels when tracking into cooledit...any suggestions?
I've had a similar problem like that but what I did is took the easy way out and bought a preamp. I do not own a Alesis Studio16 Console so I really wouldn't know.

What you can do is go to the Computer/Sound Card or Recording Techniques Forums on this site and they can probably help you there.
you cant get high levels because your mixer isnt sending high levels. Whats your signal path?

i'm going direct with the mic, using the boards phantom power...the same can be said with everything else...and unfortunately it clips on the board before it gets a high enough input on the meters in cooledit....i basically have gone ahead and amplified everything once in cooledit, but i dont think that is the best solution since its also raising the noise floor along with the actual signal...correct?
If the studio16 is anything like the studio24 it has got preamps.
What kind of soundcard are you using, and what outputs from the the console ?

It may be that (especially if you are using the channel inserts to feed your card) that the outputs are not balanced, and you wil have to configure your soundcard to recieve a weaker signal. ie -10dB instead of +4dB.
