Echo Mia Windows XP compatibility ?


New member
Just about to get a Mia when I read a user review saying it is no good with Windows XP. Rcalling the living hell I went through when I originally "upgraded" to Windows XP, life is too short for ongoing incompatibilty.
Anyone using Mia or other Echo cards with Xp without any problems? If not, might go with an M-Audio Audiophile.
Forewarned is forearmed!
Any help much appreciated

Thanks very much for the feedback. I'll have a good look at the other Forum posts etc, but at this stage will press ahead and get the Echo Mia. It looks like quite a few cards have the occasional compatibilty issues or whatever, and echo seems to have a lot going for it.
One puzzle I have is if other cards also use asio drivers, like I have been with soundblaster live, where does the improvement in sound quality come from for your extra bucks?

Thanks again,
Better quality convertors (ADCs and DACs).

Better analog input and output components and design. Eg Mia uses same convertors as Audiophile yet has better specified and measured performance.

Soundblasters have limited asio capabilities. For example they do not allow asio at 44.1khz sampling rate which is the most important since that is the CD standard.
I've got a Mia running under XP. Worked no probs straight out of the box. Its a great card
Again many thanks

I've just logged back in. Many thanks again for your comments. I've ordered a Mia and am looking forward to it very much already!! Yippee!