Early morning rain

Listening on headphones, seems bright, on main speakers not as bad, but still a a tad bright. Overall good mix.
This is very well done I think, you guys are pros and the recording is good too. I do think you should credit the writer and mention that this is a cover tune though.
Deliverance!!!! kidding. just reminded me of it in the first bar.

Nice, I like this stuff. There were a couple bends on the banjo that stuck out and popped too close to the ear, but well-controlled otherwise. Was this a live performance recording? Man, I'd love to be in on something like this...very cool. Whose tune? Cover or original? Great vocals all around, playing, everything. Damn, this is very cool.

.....that clip in the end abruptly cuts off. Transition that thing to fade out smoother. loved it though, nice


I do think you should credit the writer and mention that this is a cover tune though.

Sounds like the vocal might be high-passed a bit? I'd like to hear it natural as possible with this genre, but that's really just a matter of taste, not really an issue w/ the mix really.

Everything sounds very clear and well-recorded. I might move the plane sound effect before the song so it doesn't get in the way as much. Again just an aesthetic decision though, mix sounds great.
My bad on not crediting the writer which is Gordon Lightfoot I will go into sound cloud and do that. the artist performing this as a duo called slipshod from Portland or.Matt Snook and Steve Blanchard, Matt plays the banjo and dobro. Steve is the lead vocalist, and guitar player. They are going through the process paying for the use of the song. Thanks for all the comments.
Great song. The mix very bright. The guitars are pushy and close, while the vocals are distant. Can you reverse that? Love the banjo.
Really nice performance, I enjoyed this. Agree with the above comments though that it's crying out for a more natural, less room verby lead vocal if you can do anything about that at all.

Could also do with a small boost to the bass part too I think.
Could use some more bottom end or low mids on the vocal as it is a little bright. It does cut through the mix but....
If this is multitracked I would suggest some more panning - if one take then it's fine.
Yeah I'd back off the reverb on the lead vocal too to bring it forward in the mix.
Excellent playing and singing by the guys on this one.

On a side note - I think I was 8 when I got this song on Lightfoot's LP for Xmas when I was a kid. Very familiar with this tune :D:D:D:D
Very nice job on this one. I really like the sound on the strings (guitar and banjo), and the vocal is nice too. I think you could maybe add a hi-pass on the bass around 50 or 60 Hz to take out the sub lows, and then maybe sweep the low mids to find a spot to boost a little, because it's a little undefined.

Great performances. Thanks for sharing.
Def needs some meat in the vocals - generally actually.
Well played and captured.