Eagles Cover -- New Kid in Town


For me, there's no better way to learn the recording/mixing/mastering process than to pick a challenging hit song and try to duplicate it -- performance, mix, overall vibe. Here's one I've been chasing for the better part of a month. Decided to upload while waiting for the kids and grandkids to come over for Christmas dinner and opening presents.

All critiques welcome.

Recorded on 2488neo with pretty middle-of-the-road gear.



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The overall feel of the mix does to my ear recreate the kind of sound you are after. It's panned quite close to center, compared to most of what I listen to, maybe that's part of the sound, but I'm wondering if you might explore opening it out a little with some elements. There are some errant sounds especially early on which sound like someone slapping a guitar and one loud click or pop. It basically just needs tidying up, a few questionable vocal notes here and there, plus a few on the guitar which might just be an intonation issue. One or two vocal syllables are hit slightly hard and border on jarring, good effort though. I couldn't work out which tracks are contaminated by unwanted noises, but I suspect it's a noise gate triggering on either the vocal track or acoustic guitar and allowing stuff to creep in here and there. It might not be but its that kind of effect when scrutinised by my very generously proportioned ears.

Thanks for the listen

Props to you for tackling a tough tune.
My band gave up on this one because we could never get it right, to the point where we felt comfortable with it.
As mentioned it seems a bit center centric. So some judicious panning might help. I notice the keys dropped out at some point. At the end it sounds pretty sparse with just the base instruments. But then at 00:57 the organ(?) in the left side sounds too loud or has too much bottom.
The harmonies sound good and for the most part you did pretty well at capturing the original vibe. Personally I always thought the Eagles were doing a Marty Robbins take off on this one, especially at the 01:17 mark. I think the phrasing there is a little stiff. Think more sexy.
Better drum samples would help but as a 2488 owner I know what you have there to work with. I used to always do my drums parts in Reason.
Yeah, a tough one to tackle for sure, I think you definetly do it justice, nice guitar thru out! Also noticed the keyboard kinda going away...nice vocals...really nice harmonies at 3:40! Enjoyed the listen, nice job
Thanks, y'all. Yeah, for some reason I neglected to extend the keyboard track any further than that last verse. Guess I got a little lazy. I'm not a keyboard player, so I was literally tracking that thing bar by bar, as I listened to the original and tried to duplicate the part and the sound. Ha. What a cheat.

I did catch a few lazy vocal passages, too. That's an easy enough fix. But, again, I appreciate the critique.

Panning ... background vocals are panned maybe 30 degrees right (I think ... I'd need to check the tracks to confirm). And the guitars are panned about the same to the other side. Bass, drums and lead vocal are down the middle.

Thanks again for listening and commenting. I troll this forum a lot and have really benefited from the depth of experience available from y'all. Really grateful.
Hey mbrusko. I listened to the original for comparison and remembered why we gave up on this.
This freeking song is a killer. The one thing you have to do is match the dynamics of the original. Notice how the song just keeps building. Every little nook and cranny is filled with some kind of lick, riff, fill. The key change is where it just takes off.
Keep it up. You are off to a good start.