E-Session Pianist Wanted


New member
This may be a complete long shot, but I have been recording some basic tracks (Acoustic guitar and vocals) and I am looking to add some Piano overdubs. The only problem is I'm not the greatest piano player. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who would be interested in recording piano tracks on a few of my songs if I were to send them an mp3. With all of the new technology available, I thought it would be a pretty interesting concept to have people contribute to my recording from hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

If you are interested, please respond to me. If you think this idea is completely bogus, please let me know as well. Thanks!

- Pete
sounds fun

Hey bud
just sent you a private msg with contact details, your post has been up 6 days so you may have already found someone to do it

either way best of luck with it
i do this a lot with my musician friends all over the country. yousendit.com is good for sending mp3s. I'd like to jam on your track, see if you like it. if not, dont use it!